Meeting of the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God with Moleben and Akathist hymn to St. Job of Pochaev.
At 3:00pm on Saturday of the Labor Day weekend, His Grace, Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan, along with the clergy, monks and faithful that had come to Jordanville for the festivities, gathered in the main cathedral of Holy Trinity Monastery. This included a bus load of pilgrims from one of our parishes in Brooklyn, organized by Archpriest Serge Lukianov. Then clergy, monks and faithful went in silent cross procession up to the Dormition church in the main cemetery. There they retrieved the miracle working Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God that had been placed there on Dormition the previous Sunday.
As the icon emerged from the church, the monastery choir began singing the troparion of the icon and the faithful formed a long line to go under the icon which was held up by two priests. The cross procession then emerged from the cemetery singing hymns to the Dormition of the Mother of God and processed back to the main cathedral. There, Bishop Nicholas was waiting to greet and receive the icon back into the cathedral.
Once the Pochaev icon was put on an analogion stand beside the large icon of St Job of Pochaev, a Moleben with Akathist to St Job began. The monastery choir was joined by members of the Young Singer’s Conference organized by PaTRAM (The Patriarch Tikhon Russian-American Music Institute) and held at the monastery over the weekend. The service was attended by a very large group of pilgrims.
Saturday Hierarchical Vigil of the Labor Day Weekend.
On Saturday, September 3rd, the All-Night Vigil was served by His Grace, Bishop Nicholas, accompanied by the monastery and visiting clergy. The monastery choir was fortified by male members of the Young Singer’s Conference. During the Litia, a cross procession went around the cathedral stopping on all four sides with prayers.
Sunday Hierarchical Liturgy of the Labor Day Weekend.
On Sunday morning, September 4th, the combined clergy processed to the entrance to the Trapeza, and greeted Bishop Nicholas with glory, and processed back to the church. In the church there was a noticeable change. The whole front left side of the nave was occupied by the Young Singer’s Conference with Dr. Peter Jermihov directing. This was a conference organized by PaTRAM and held at Holy Trinity Monastery.
The monastery choir sang the greeting and vesting of the Bishop. Once the Divine Liturgy began, the PaTRAM conference choir sang the Great Litany. The Antiphons were sung alternating between the conference choir and the monastery choir. This continued until the reading of the Gospel. Then the PaTRAM conference choir sang the rest of the hierarchical Liturgy. Even after only one day of rehearsals, the conference choir sang beautifully and added a great sense of festivity and grandeur to the service.
At the end of the Liturgy, a moleben with cross procession around the church was served to the Mother of God and to St Job of Pochaev. Then everyone enjoyed the trapeza meal together. There were approximately 300-400 pilgrims in attendance.
Hierarchical Liturgy and Ordination on Labor Day Monday.
Normally a quieter day than Sunday, this year, Labor Day Monday was even more festive than the day before. His Grace, Archbishop Gabriel was joined by Bishop Nicholas, Archimandrite Luke and the gathered clergy for Divine Liturgy. As on Sunday, the monastery choir and the PaTRAM conference choir sang antiphonally and the majestic singing was repeated to the joy and benefit of all.
Added to this, at the Small Entrance, Archbishop Gabriel elevated Hieromonk Cyprian (Alexandrou) to the rank of Igumen, and awarded Priest Andrew Rudenko with the kamilavka. Then after the Great Entrance, Archbishop Gabriel ordained Deacon Dmitry Grigoriev, from the All Saints Orthodox Church, in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, to the priesthood. After Liturgy, everyone enjoyed another trapeza meal together. Most of the pilgrims that were here on Sunday, stayed and were joined by another bus load of pilgrims from Ottawa, Canada.
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