Category: Upcoming Events
247 results found.
Hawaiian Myrrh streaming Iveron Icon at Holy Trinity Monastery February 11 -12 2025 - 02/09/25

The Hawaiian Myrrh streaming Iveron Icon will be at Holy Trinity Monastery from February 11 to February 12 2025.

See schedule below:

Tuesday, February 11th - 7:00 PM Greeting and vigil at Holy Trinity Monastery (Jordanville, NY).

Wednesday, February 12th - 9:00 AM Greeting and liturgy at Holy Trinity Monastery (Jordanville, NY) SEMINARY FEAST DAY


Schedule of funeral services for Archbishop Peter of Chicago and Mid-America - 11/11/24

November 15th (Chicago - Holy Virgin Protection Cathedral)

6:00 pm - Archbishop Peter arrives to Holy Virgin Cathedral 
6:30 pm - Evening Services and Parastas

November 16th (Chicago - Holy Virgin Protection Cathedral)

8:00 am - Liturgy and funeral
Body departs for Jordanville
Pominki at Holy Virgin Cathedral
Vigil at Holy Virgin Cathedral (Metropolitan Nicholas + hierarchs)

November 17th (Chicago - Holy Virgin Protection Cathedral)

Liturgy at Holy Virgin Cathedral (Metropolitan Nicholas + hierarchs)
Metropolitan departs for Jordanville

November 18th (New York - Holy Trinity Monastery)

5:00 am - Midnight office at Jordanville cathedral
6:00 am - Liturgy at Jordanville cathedral
12:00 lunch/pominki

With the blessing of Metropolitan Nicholas the vestment color for the funeral will be GOLD.

Memory Eternal to dear Vladika, Archbishop Peter.

Funeral and Burial Service for Patrick Peko - 11/06/24

The funeral for Patrick Peko who passed away on Sunday November 3  will be held at Holy Trinity Monastery Cathedral in Jordanville NY on November 9, 2024 at 1PM.

Following the funeral and burial service there will be a memorial meal in the seminary hall behind the Church. 


Monday April 15 Funeral of Protodeacon Joseph Jarostchuk - 04/12/24

Monday, April 15

12:00 PM – Memorial repast at Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, NY, followed by funeral and burial.

Color of vestments for funeral: violet

On the morning of Thursday, April 11, after a lengthy illness, Protodeacon Joseph Jarostchuk (longtime cleric of St. John of Kronstadt Memorial Church in Utica, NY; since 2021 – of Holy Epiphany Church in Roslindale (Boston), MA) reposed in the Lord. He was 81 years old.

Having graduated Holy Trinity Seminary in Jordanville, NY, Fr. Joseph was ordained to the diaconate in June 1969 by Archbishop Averky (Taushev; +1976) of Syracuse & Holy Trinity. He was elevated to the rank of protodeacon by Bishop Laurus (Škurla; +2008) of Syracuse & Holy Trinity on September 16, 1976. On September 14, 1985, he was awarded the right to wear the kamilavka. He often accompanied the ever-memorable Metropolitan Laurus on his archpastoral and official visits. Throughout the years, he was given various awards by the Russian Orthodox Church and the Russian Church Abroad. On Sunday, February 14, 2021, he was awarded a gramota from the Synod of Bishops.

Despite recurring illnesses, Fr. Joseph showed his dedication and love for the divine services, and served as often as he was able. He is survived by his Matushka Irina, their four children, including Protodeacon Alexander Jarostchuk, and many grandchildren.




Color of vestments for funeral: violet



Right Hand of Saint Elizabeth the New Martyr in Jordanville March 29 - 30 - 03/28/24

The right hand of Grand Duchess Elizabeth the New Martyr will arrive in Jordanville on the evening of March 29. After Compline there will be a moleben served and the relics will depart Saturday early  morning March 30.  

Pannikhida for Metropolitan Laurus March 16 2024 - 03/15/24

A pannikhida for Metropolitan Laurus  will be served by Metropolitan Nicholas and Bishop Luke  on March 16, 2024 after lunch on the anniversary of his repose.

Schedule of Services Nov 29 - 30 for Saint Paisios Velichkovsky - 11/29/23

Nov 29  - PM: Vespers and Matins will be held at the Optina Chapel only. No services in Cathedral. 

Nov 30 - AM: Liturgy 6am at Dormition Chapel in Cemetery and Optina Chapel

Mother Ilaria giving presentation of life and work of sisters at Saint Elisabeth Convent in Minsk- Thursday November 16, 5pm - 11/16/23


Mother Ilaria from Saint Elisabeth Convent in Minsk will give a presentation  in the Seminary Hall on Thursday November 16 at 5PM and Sunday November 19 at 5PM  about the life and work of the sisters.

The presentation  is open to everyone.

A short 10 minute film will be shown followed by discussion and questions.

Pannikhida for Metropolitan Hilarion on the day of his Names's Day - 10/28/23

On Friday November 3, there will be a hierarchical liturgy presided by His Eminence, Metropolitan Nicholas at 6am.


After lunch, around 12:30PM, a pannikhida will be served at the grave of Metropolitan Hilarion behind the Church 

Talk by Mother Maria from Bethany - Monday October 23, 5PM - 10/16/23

If all goes according to plan, we will host a talk by Mother Maria from Bethany, in the Holy Land.   All seminarians, wives and guests will be invited!  This event would be optional for seminarians.

DATE AND TIME:  Monday, October 23, about 5pm

PLACE: In the Protopresbyter Valery Lukianov Seminary Hall

Labor Day Weekend Schedule September 2 - 4, 2023 - 07/25/23

Labor Day Weekend Schedule
Saturday September 2
5:00 AM Midnight Office
6:00 AM Divine Liturgy
3:00 PM Meeting of the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God with moleben and akathist hymn to St. Job of Pochaev. Rule for Holy Communion
7:00 PM Vigil
Sunday September 3
6:00 AM Early Liturgy in the church of St. Job of Pochaev
9:00 AM Divine Liturgy. After Liturgy there will be a moleben to the Mother of God and St. Job of Pochaev
6:00 PM Vespers
7:15 PM Small Compline
Monday September 4
5:00 AM Midnight Office
6:00 AM Matins
8:00 AM Divine Liturgy
4:00 PM Vespers, Matins
7:15 PM Small Compline

Holy Trinity Seminary 75th Anniversary - 06/02/23

On behalf of our Rector, Dean, faculty, and students, I am excited to announce the details for Holy Trinity Seminary's 75th Anniversary Celebration, which is set to take place this coming September 15-17, 2023

Tuesday May 16 : Anniversary of repose of Metropolitan Hilarion - 05/14/23

On Tuesday May 16 there will be a Hierarchical Liturgy served by Metropolitan Nicholas at Holy Trinity Monastery. Afrer lunch around 12:30PM Metropolitan Nicholas will serve a pannikhida at the grave of Metropolitan Hilarion. 

Memorial Fund Appeal - 05/01/23

“Is there anyone who is a devout lover of God? Let them enjoy this beautiful bright festival! Is there anyone who is a grateful servant? Let them rejoice and enter into the joy of their Lord! …Christ is Risen, and you, O death, are annihilated! Christ is Risen, and the evil ones are cast down! Christ is Risen, and the angels rejoice! Christ is Risen, and life is liberated! Christ is Risen, and the tomb is emptied of its dead:” (From the Paschal Sermon of St. John Chrysostom.)
Dear Reverend Fathers, Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
 How powerful, wonderful, and triumphant are the words above spoken by our father among the saints, St. John Chrysostom! We hear them each year towards the end of Paschal matins, and each year they proclaim Christ’s victory over death and hades, filling us with spiritual inspiration and joy during our paschal celebrations. St. John in fact calls all of us to the joy of Our Lord’s Day wherever we are and whoever we may be. The saints truly understood this great joy of Pascha, and it has been said that whenever our St. John of Kronstadt and St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco greeted the faithful with “Christ is Risen”, one had the feeling that they themselves were so filled with paschal joy that it was as if they themselves had seen the Risen Lord. The radiant joy of Pascha is so great that we cannot help but share this wonderful joy with all those around us. Having this in mind, let us share in this approaching paschal joy by remembering those less fortunate than ourselves, those struggling in poverty and in great need. Let us remember our St. John of Kronstadt who often brought consolation and comfort to families and individuals in great need, and let us all imitate his kind works of benevolence and kindness by helping others in need through our St. John of Kronstadt Memorial Fund. We appeal to all to help us help others with your active participation by not only contributing what you can, but also by becoming members of our Memorial Fund which is active since 1954. Help us by preserving this holy legacy which stives to follow the spiritual ideals of St. John. With your help and kindness, we can help spread that paschal joy to the less fortunate and needy.
We express our profound gratitude to our donors and supporters who continue in their kind contributions over the years. May Our Risen Lord reward you all graciously!
May Our Risen Saviour bless you and your loved ones with a spiritually profitable Great Lent, Holy Week and a most joyous, bright and radiant Pascha!   
With much love in our Risen Lord,
 Archpriest Michael Taratuchin,
 Vice-President of the St. John of Kronstadt Memorial Fund and
 Rector of the St. John of Kronstadt Memorial Church in Utica, New York, USA.

"Аще кто благочестив и боголюбив, да насладится сего добраго и светлаго торжества. Аще кто раб благоразумный, да внидет, радуяся, в радость Господа своего. …Воскресе Христос, и падоша демони. Воскресе Христос, и радуются Ангели. Воскресе Христос, и жизнь жительствует. Воскресе Христос, и мертвый ни един во гробе….” (Слово Огласительное во святый и светоносный день преславнаго и спасительнаго Христа Бога нашего Воскресения иже во святых отца нашего Иоанна, архиепископа Константинопольскаго, Златоустаго)
Дорогие Возлюбленные Отцы, Братья и Сёстры во Христе,
                                Христос Воскресе!
Как же могущественны, чудесны и торжественны слова иже во святых отца нашего, святого Иоанна Златоуста! Каждый год мы слышим эти слова  в конце пасхальной утрени, и год за годом они провозглашают победу Христа над смертью и адом, наполняя нас духовным вдохновением и радостью во время пасхальных празднований. Святой Иоанн Златоуст призывает всех нас к радости Дня Господня, где бы мы ни находились, и кто бы мы ни были. Святые по-настоящему понимали эту великую радость Пасхи и всякий раз, когда  святитель Иоанн Кронштадтский и святитель Иоанн Шанхайский и Сан-Францисский приветствовали верующих словами «Христос Воскресе», было ощущение, что  они сами так исполнялись пасхальной радости, будто воочию видели Воскресшего Господа. Светлая радость Пасхи так велика, что мы не можем не поделиться этой чудесной радостью со всеми окружающими нас людьми. Давайте же разделим эту приближающуюся пасхальную радость с теми, кому повезло меньше, чем нам, и с теми, кто пребывает в бедности и большой нужде. А также давайте вспомним нашего святителя Иоанна Кронштадтского, часто приносящего утешение нуждающимся семьям и одиноким людям. Мы можем стараться подражать его добрым делам милосердия и доброты, оказывая помощь нуждающимся через благотворительный фонд святителя Иоанна Кронштадтского.
Мы призываем вас проявить активное участие в оказании помощи другим людям не только своими посильными пожертвованиями, но и становясь членами нашего фонда, который действует с 1954 года. Мы просим вашей помощи в сохранении этого святого наследия, стремящегося к духовным идеалам Святого Праведного Иоанна Кронштадтского. Благодаря вашей помощи и милосердию мы можем подарить эту пасхальную радость нуждающимся и обездоленным.
Мы выражаем глубокую признательность всем жертвователям фонда и всем, кто нас поддерживает и продолжает вносить свой вклад на протяжении многих лет.
Да вознаградит вас всех Воскресший Господь!
Пусть Воскресший Спаситель благословит Вас и Ваших близких духовно полезным Великим постом, Страстной неделей и самой радостной, светлой Пасхой!
Христос Воскресе!
С любовью к нашему Воскресшему Спасителю,
Протоиерей Михаил Таратухин,
Вице-председатель Благотворительного Фонда Святого Праведного Иоанна Кронштадтского, Настоятель Храма-Памятника Святого Праведного  Иоанна Кронштадтского в г.Ютика, штат Нью-Йорк, США

Attention to all visitors to Holy Trinity Monastery and Seminary. - 03/25/23

All groups of pilgrims to Holy Trinity Monastery and Seminary of more than 10 people or more must as their first contact notify Archimandrite Theophylact, our Pilgrimage Coordinator. Father Theophylact will then direct your request to the appropriate areas including the Guesthouse.  your intention is to only visit the museum please contact the museum web site. His contact information is:  Phone: (315) 717-2795 / (315)858 3914

Groups of 10 and under please contact directly the guesthouse at 315 858 0131 and email address: 

If your intention is to only visit the museum please contact the museum web site. His contact information is:


LENTEN PASTORAL RETREAT SCHEDULE Holy Trinity Monastery · Jordanville, NY · March 20-22, 2023 - 03/08/23

Divine services will be held in Holy Trinity Cathedral. Lecture will be delivered in the Seminary Hall. Meals will be served in the monastery refectory. The bookstore will be open throughout the retreat.

Monday, March 20th  – Travel Day
7:00 PM – Supper.

7:30 PM – Great Compline.

Tuesday, March 21th

5:00 AM – Midnight Office, Matins, Hours.

7:30 AM – Breakfast in Monastery Refectory

10:30 AM –Greeting by His Eminence, Metropolitan Nicholas

10:40 AM – Discussion of missionary work: Priest Paul Kang from Korea; Archpriest Victor

Potapov (dean of the Capital Region); Archpriest Alexandre Antchoutine (dean of New York City & Long Island and dean of Florida) from Glen Cove, NY. Discussion to follow.

12:00 PM – Lunch.
2:00 PM – Messages by the Seminary Dean and Museum Curator.

3:00 PM – Open Floor: Bishops & Clergy. Seminarians may observe.  

5:00 PM – Vespers. 7:00 PM – Supper.
7:15 PM – Great Compline.

Wednesday, March 22nd
5:00 AM – Midnight Office, Matins, Hours.
10:30 AM – Greeting of the Metropolitan, followed by Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts.
All clergy are expected to serve, and are asked to bring their own purple vestments.
12:00 PM – Group Photo after Liturgy, followed by lunch in the refectory.



Urgent Appeal for Help - 02/02/23

Dear friends and supporters of Holy Trinity Monastery and Seminary,

We have recently been made aware of yet another attempt to build a windmill project in our backyard. While the previous plans were dismissed a few years back, now the companies involved are taking advantage of the New York State Energy Plan and its incentives to build renewables that will by-pass the environmental review and local input that put a halt to the previous windmill projects.

There is a legal case currently before the Court of Appeals about this type of surreptitious effort, however, we call upon all who read this to pray for an end to these threats to our environment and we ask that you contact local legislators to ask for their intervention. The email/website addresses are below. 

With your prayers and through the intercession of Our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, we pray this newest assault on the life of our Monastery does not succeed. 

In Christ

+Bishop Luke of Syracuse,

Abbot of Holy Trinity Monastery,
Rector of Holy Trinity Seminary - District 118 assembly member Robert Smullen  - 49th Senate district Mark Walczyk   Congresswoman Elise Stefanik

Nativity Appeal of the St. John of Kronstadt Memorial Fund 2022/2023 - 01/03/23

Feast day of Saint Paisios Velichkovsky - 11/27/22

All the services will be in the chapel of the Optina Elders 

Tuesday Nov 29 :  4:30 PM Vespers and Compline.

                                6:30 PM Matins. 

Wednesday Nov 30:  6am Divine Liturgy

Thursday Nov 3 - Pannikhida for Metropolitan Hilarion - 10/31/22

On Thursday Nov 3, there will be a 6am Hierarchical Liturgy served by Metropolitan Nicholas and Bishop Luke. After lunch , around 12:30 there will be a pannikhida served for Metropolitan Hilarion by his grave site behing the cathedral.

Tuesday Nov. 1 - Moleben and Akathist to the "Hawaiian" Iveron Myrrh Streaming Icon - 10/30/22

On Tuesday, November 1, at 6PM there will be a moleben and Akathist in English to the "Hawaiian" Iveron myrrhstreaming icon in the Cemetery Dormition Chapel.

Wednesday Nov. 2 - Moleben and Akathist to the "Hawaiian" Iveron Myrrh Streaming Icon - 10/30/22

On Wednesday, November 2, after compline there will be a moleben and Akathist to the "Hawaian" Iveron myrrhstreaming icon in the main cathedral of Holy Trinity Monatery.

October 30 - Early Liturgy at 6am - 10/29/22

There will be an early liturgy in the St. Job of Pochaev Church at 6am. Hours will begin at 5:45m.

Schedule for October 29 - 30 - 10/28/22

3:30 Pannikhida at gravesite of Br. Jose 
4:00 Communion Rule
6:45 Greeting of the “Hawaiian”  Myrrstreaming Iveron Icon
7:00 Vigil
6:00 AM Early Liturgy in St. Job of Pochaelv Church
8:00 Midnight Office
9:00 Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
After lunch: Presentation in Seminary Hall on life of Br. Jose and about the  Iveron Myrrh streaming Icon
Around 4:30PM Pannikhida at gravesite of Br. Jose 

Akathist to Kursk Root Icon at Holy Trinity Monastery - 09/20/22

On Wednesday Septermber 21 after Compline, around 8PM there will be an Akathist served to the wonderworking Kursk Root Icon at Holy Trinity Cathedral.


Friday, June 24, will mark the 40th day of the reposed of His Eminence, Metropolitan Hilarion (Kapral), sixth First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad.

His Grace Luke, Bishop of Syracuse, will officiate the divine services for the departed in Holy Trinity Monastery: hierarchal Divine Liturgy at 6:00 AM, followed by a panihida at the gravesite behind the cathedral. Clergy who wish to concelebrate are asked to bring their red vestments.

There will also be a second Pannikhida after lunch for those that were not able to make Pannikhida after the Divine Liturgy

Live Streaming of the Funeral of Metropolitan Hilarion - 05/20/22

To view the live stream video of the funeral of Metropolitan Hilarion please visit the Synodal YouTube Channel

Live Streaming of Services at Holy Trinity Monastery on Saturday May 21 and Sunday May 22 - 05/20/22

God willing Vigil, Liturgy, Pannikhida and Burial of Metropolitan Hilarion will be live streamed from Holy Trinity Monastery's You TubeChannel

Saturday May 21 Vigil 6:30PM

Sunday May 22 Liturgy 9:00AM /  Pannikhida and Burial 3:00PM

Change of Time for Vigil on Saturday May 21 - 05/19/22

Vigil on Saturday May 21 will be at 6:30PM instead of 7PM. 

Burial of Metropolitan Hilarion at Holy Trinity Monastery - 05/19/22

The burial shall be performed on Sunday May 22, at 3 o’clock, at Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, NY.

Pannikhida for the Newly Reposed Metropolitan Hilarion, May 16, Around 8:00PM - 05/16/22

A pannikhida will be served for the newly reposed Metropolitan Hilarion in the lower church today after Compline around 8:00 PM.

More information will be posted as it becomes available,


Tuesday May 3, 5PM Lecture by Dr. Jean-Claude Larchet in the Protopresbyter Valery Lukianov Hall of Holy Trinity Seminary - 04/30/22

Title: Divinization as the Christian Project and Model of True Transhumanism.

Lecturer: Dr. Jean-Claude Larchet

Date and Time: 5PM Tuesday, May 3, 2022 

Holy Trinity Publications and Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary are excited to host noted patrologist and author Dr. Jean-Claude Larchet as part of a rare visit to the United States.

On Tuesday, May 3rd, at 5 p.m., Dr. Larchet will deliver a lecture in the Protopresbyter Valery Lukianov Hall of Holy Trinity Seminary titled, "Divinization as the Christian Project and Model of True Transhumanism." After first examining the dead ends and illusions of the current philosophical fashion of transhumanism, Dr. Larchet proposes the Orthodox Christian conception of divinization as a true fulfillment of the flawed transhumanist ideology.The lecture will be open to the public and time will be allotted for questions from the audience. Light refreshments will be provided.

Dr Jean-Claude Larchet is one of the most notable living authors on Orthodox Christian Patristics. He holds a Ph.D in philosophy from the University of Nancy and a Ph.D. in theology from the University of Strasbourg. A teacher of philosophy for nearly thirty-five years, he is an author of over thirty books and countless articles whose work has been translated into over a dozen languages. His magnum opus, Therapy of Spiritual Illness, and several other works have been translated into English to wide acclaim, three of them by Holy Trinity Publications.



Title: Divinization as the Christian Project and Model of True Transhumanism.
Lecturer: Dr. Jean-Claude Larchet

Date and Time: Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Full Description: Holy Trinity Publications and Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary are excited to host noted patrologist and author Dr. Jean-Claude Larchet as part of a rare visit to the United States.

On Tuesday, May 3rd, at 5 p.m., Dr. Larchet will deliver a lecture in the Protopresbyter Valery Lukianov Hall of Holy Trinity Seminary titled, "Divinization as the Christian Project and Model of True Transhumanism." After first examining the dead ends and illusions of the current philosophical fashion of transhumanism, Dr. Larchet proposes the Orthodox Christian conception of divinization as a true fulfillment of the flawed transhumanist ideology.

The lecture will be open to the public and time will be allotted for questions from the audience. Light refreshments will be provided.

Dr Jean-Claude Larchet is one of the most notable living authors on Orthodox Christian Patristics. He holds a Ph.D in philosophy from the University of Nancy and a Ph.D. in theology from the University of Strasbourg. A teacher of philosophy for nearly thirty-five years, he is an author of over thirty books and countless articles whose work has been translated into over a dozen languages. His magnum opus, Therapy of Spiritual Illness, and several other works have been translated into English to wide acclaim, three of them by Holy Trinity Publications.


Power Outage - 04/22/22

We have a power outage in our area. This is the second day now. Hopefully power will return today at 11PM. 

Lenten Pastoral Retreat at Holy Trinity Monastery , March 28- 30, 2022 - 03/11/22

Holy Trinity Monastery – 1407 Robinson Road, Mohawk, NY 13407
March 28-30, 2022. Retreat officially begins on Tuesday, March 29; Midnight Office at 5:00 AM. Monday, March 28 is designated as a travel day – Supper at 7:00 PM, followed by Great Compline.
Registration cost is $150 per person and does not include lodging accommodations.
Who Can Attend
Clergy (deacons and priests) of the Eastern American and Canadian Dioceses ROCOR and Patriarchal Parishes in the USA, as well as attendees of Holy Trinity Seminary. All others please contact diocesan office at (201) 940-7340 or to inquire about attending the conference.
Monastery Guesthouse
1407 Robinson Road
Mohawk, NY 13407
(315) 858-0131
Red Roof Inn & Suites
100 Marginal Road
Herkimer, NY 13350
(315) 866-0490
Those who wish to fly to Jordanville must fly to Albany International Airport (ALB) and send their flight information to Abbot Cyprian (Alexandrou) at in order to arrange for pick-up and drop-off.
All clergy will concelebrate with Their Graces, Bishops Nicholas of Manhattan and Luke of Syracuse, at the Hierarchal Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts in Holy Trinity Cathedral on Wednesday, March 30. Clergy are asked to bring their own black vestments.
The main speaker at the pastoral conference will be Deacon Andrei Psarev: "Pivotal Points of the History of the Russian Church Abroad."
Registration must be completed online at

Св. Троицкий монастырь – 1407 Robinson Road, Mohawk, NY 13407
28-30 марта 2022 г. Говение официально начинается во вторник, 29 марта; Полунощница в 5:00 ч. Понедельник, 28 марта – день размещения – ужин в 19:00 ч. затем Великое повечерие.
$150 с каждого. Цена не включает проживание в гостинице.
Духовенство (диакона и священники) Восточно-Американской и Канадской епархий РПЦЗ и Патриарших приходов в США, а также учащиеся Св. Троицкой семинарии. Другим лицам, желающим принят участие в совещании, необходимо обратиться в епархиальную канцелярию по телефону (201) 940-7340 or
Монастырская гостница
1407 Robinson Road
Mohawk, NY 13407
(315) 858-0131
Red Roof Inn & Suites
100 Marginal Road
Herkimer, NY 13350
(315) 866-0490
Желающим путешествовать самолетом в Джорданвилль следует прибыть в аэропорт Albany International Airport (ALB) и послать информацию о прибытии игум. Киприану (Александру)
на эл. адрес для организации встречи и проводов.
Все духовенство cослужит Преосвященнейшим епископам Манхэттенскому Николаю и Сиракузскому Луке за Архиерейской Литургией Преждеосвященных Даров в Св. Троицком соборе в среду, 30 марта. Духовенству следует привезти собственное черное облачение.
Главный докладчик на Пастырском совещании –диакон Андрей Псарев: "Ключевые моменты в истории Русской Зарубежной Церкви".
Регистрироваться следует на епархиальной странице

Holy Trinity Publications seeks Sales & Customer Service Associate - 03/11/22

Holy Trinity Publications seeks a Sales & Customer Service Associate. Click through for details, requirements, and how to apply.

The History of the Russian Orthodox Church in Australia - 03/11/22

With the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion, First Hierarch of ROCOR and ruling bishop of the Diocese of Australia and New Zealand, Holy Trinity Publications is pleased to announce the publication of a new and enhanced edition of The History of the Russian Orthodox Church in Australia, by the diocesan chancellor Protopresbyter Michael Protopopov. This comprehensive chronicle elucidates larger themes from the global history and mission of the Church Abroad and of Orthodox diasporas more generally, from which we can all gain understanding for our present circumstances. Through Fr. Michael’s account we see the Church’s role in providing a religious and cultural home, as well as material assistance, to emigres and refugees whilst also serving as a beacon of the light of Christ in a multicultural, liberal society.

The Lady and Her Temple: An Orthodox Appraisal of the Temple Theology of Margaret Barker - A Brief Summary by Priest John Boddecker - 11/10/21

To view article click here

Funeral for Archimandrite Iov - 11/06/21

The funereal for Archimandrite Iov will be on Monday, Nov. 8 at 12:30 PM in the main cathedral of Holy Trinity Monastery.

Archimandrite Iov Reposed in the Lord - 11/06/21

Archimandrite Iov reposed in the Lord during the Divine Liturgy today, on Saturday Nov 6 2021. More updates will be posted soon. 

Hierarchical Liturgy of St. James - 10/25/21

There will be a Hierarchical Liturgy of St. James on November 5 at 6am.


Iveron Icon of the Mother of God in Jordanville Sept. 8 - Sept. 10 2021 - 09/03/21

The Hawaian Myrrstreaming  Iveron Icon of the Mother of God will be at the Monastery from the  afternoon of September 8 to the  afternoon of Septemebr 10. 


The Hawaian Myrrstreaming  Iveron Icon of the Mother of God will be at the Monastery from the  afternoon of September 8 to the  afternoon of Septemebr 10. 

On Wednesday Septemeber 8, 2021

3:50 PM Greeting of the Iveron Icon followed by Vespers and Matins

7:15 PM Compline  followed by moleben and Akathist to the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God


40th anniversary of ordination to the priesthood of His Grace Bishop Luke - 07/09/21

On July 12 (New Style), the Church celebrates the memory of the Holy and All-Praised Apostles Peter and Paul.  On this day, 40 years ago, our dear abbot and rector, His Grace Bishop Luke, commemorates the 40th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood.  He was ordained by the ever-memorable Bishop Laurus, abbot of the monastery at that time and future metropolitan and First-Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia.
            To celebrate this jubilee, the brethren of the monastery have organized a reception after lunch on the day of the feast outside under a tent.  All neighbors and pilgrims are welcome to participate in this event in which we wish to express our love and support of our spiritual father.

Website under Construction - 06/22/21

Website will be under construction for the next two months.

Liturgy on Tuesday June 22 will be at 8am. - 06/20/21

Visiting Holy Trinity Monastery - 06/02/21

Dear pilgrims and vistors to Holy Trinity Monastery

By the directive of our ruling Bishop, Metropolitan Hilarion, pilgrims are discouraged from visiting the Monastery for the duration of the coronavirus crisis.

If you have any questions regarding visiting please write to

+ Bishop Luke



Visiting Holy Trinity Monastery - 04/05/21

Dear pilgrims and vistors to Holy Trinity Monastery

By the directive of our ruling Bishop, Metropolitan Hilarion, pilgrims are discouraged from visiting the Monastery for the duration of the coronavirus crisis.

Due to continuing Covid restrictions the Monastery Guesthouse is currently closed and we are not able to accomodate overnight stays at the Monastery. 

If you have any questions regarding visiting please write to

+ Bishop Luke



Attention Visitors and Pilgrims to Holy Trinity Monastery - Labor Day - 08/20/20

Attention Visitors and Pilgrims to Holy Trinity Monastery

Due to health restrictions we will not be hosting our traditional Labor Day celebrations.

Asking your prayers,

+ Bishop Luke
Holy Trinity Monastery

Book Trailer - St Ignatius (Brianchaninov), Harbor for our Hope: On Acquiring Peace Amidst Suffering. - 07/04/20

Book Trailer - St Ignatius (Brianchaninov), Harbor for our Hope: On Acquiring Peace Amidst Suffering.

Appeal by Archbishop Peter of Chicago and Mid America - 06/09/20

Please click below to read an Appeal by Archbishop Peter of Chicago and Mid America:



Pascha 2020 Issue of Pravoslavnaia Rus' - 05/24/20

The Pascha 2020 Issue of Pravoslavnaia Rus' is Now Available for Download
The first issue of Holy Trinity Monastery's Russian-language journal Pravoslavnaia Rus' for 2020 may be downloaded as a free PDF directly from the publisher's website.
Православная Русь is published four times a year and made available free of charge in electronic form. Donations towards the ongoing costs of production are accepted:

1) Via Patreon (recurring donations)
2) Via Paypal
3) By phone - 315 538 5008
4) Please make your check out to 'Holy Trinity Monastery' and mail to:

Holy Trinity Publications
P.O. Box 36
Jordanville, NY 13361
So that we may properly record your support, please note 'Православная Русь' in the memo field.

Harbor for Our Hope, On Acquiring Peace Amidst Suffering - 04/17/20

Harbor for Our Hope, On Acquiring Peace Amidst Suffering

Announcement - 04/09/20

Dear Brothers and Sisters, in Christ!
In compliance with the New York State Governor's Office Executive Order 202.10 pursuant on April 9, 2020, and the local authorities, Holy Trinity Monastery's worship services are now closed until further notice. All pilgrimages and visits by outside guests have been temporarily suspended. Under the present circumstances, the Seminary is employing distance learning technology. 
Please maintain your prayer life and increase your spiritual struggles asking for God’s mercy and protection!
Pray for our community always.

+ Bishop Luke

Corona Virus COVID - 19 Update : Help Holy Trinity Monastery - 03/31/20

To the friends and supporters of Holy Trinity Monastery and Seminary:

His Grace Bishop Luke, the Monastery Brethren, the Teachers, and Seminarians are praying for your health and safety during this plague that has been visited upon us. We all look forward to the end of this crisis and the ability for you to once again come and be with us so that we can pray together. Your support and generosity are what have allowed the Monastery to be here for over 90 years, praying for you and your departed loved ones.

In this time of crisis, we sadly have to point out a few unpleasant facts. 

Visits to the monastery by pilgrims have been suspended by directive of His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion, who shares our concern for the health of the elderly fathers in our community. This has hurt us financially. Donations for the month of March are at half the level of the previous year. 

Our suppliers, utility companies, and workers still need to receive payment for services and goods. We would ask each of you to please consider sending a special donation, or making a monthly pledge of support through PayPal, to the Monastery and Seminary to help sustain us through this period.
We would also ask that you pray to the Most Holy Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, and to St Job, Abbot, and Wonderworker of Pochaev for the health and welfare of the Brotherhood.  


Statement by Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America - 03/28/20

With a sense of weighty responsibility not only for the eternal salvation of men’s souls, but also for the physical health of the clergy, monastics, parishioners, and worshipers of the Russian Church Abroad, I have been attentively following the development of events relating to the spread of the coronavirus, prayerfully beseeching for all God’s aid and the intercession of His Most-Pure Mother.

The current global outbreak of coronavirus dominates the daily headlines, with reports every day of new cases. Nevertheless, the divine services in our churches will continue, and Communion of the clergy and laity will be performed in the usual manner. In everything else, I ask that you undertake reasonable precautionary measures, adhering to common sense and the recommendations of local authorities, in order to preserve the health of the people and arrest the virus’ spread. If you are experiencing symptoms reminiscent of a cold, or if you have spent time with those who are ill, please have consideration for your neighbors, refrain from attending church, and pray at home.

The most important thing in these days is to preserve calm and inner peace, trusting in God. May the Lord help us not only to believe in Him, but also to trust in Him and in His guidance, that we might not lose spirit, and may act with goodly wisdom.

May the Lord keep you!

Metropolitan of Eastern America and New York,
First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad


Directive from Bishop Luke - 03/28/20

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ members of the Holy Trinity Monastery community!

Greetings in the Lord!

It has come to my attention that many are suffering from some form of stress induced psychosis as a result of the recent epidemic. This is characterized by continual worry, nervousness, anxiety, faintheartedness, panic etc. One of the causes for this spiritual malady is an obsession with news concerning the epidemic. This is confirmed by the world mental health organization, "The World Health Organization has a recommendation for mental health: only check the news once or twice a day."

I am issuing a directive to all members of our Holy Trinity community to limit themselves to no more than 15 minutes a day informing themselves about the epidemic.

The Lord commands,"Let not your heart be troubled..." We create our own spiritual problems by our obsession with these issues which do little positive towards our hope for salvation.

As true Orthodox Christians preparing for eternity, spend the extra time in heartfelt prayer, spiritual reading and other good works!

Love in Christ,

+ Bishop Luke  

St. Dionysius on the Epidemic of Alexandria - 03/27/20

St. Dionysius the Great

St. Dionysius the Great was Pope of Alexandria from 248 to 264. During that time, the Church of Alexandria suffered horrible persecution. Just as that was dying down, an epidemic broke out in the city, just as Pascha was approaching. St. Dionysius described the epidemic, and the Church’s response, in a letter to some of his flock outside of Alexandria. It is especially relevant today, as our current church leaders try to respond to the coronavirus pandemic, which is also happening as we prepare for Pascha.

St. Dionysius’ letter was printed by Eusebius in his seminal Church History, chapter 7. The following English translation is by G.A. Williamson, published by Dorset Press in 1965 and again in 1984.
[Eusebius writes:] Later, when a severe epidemic followed the war just as the festival [Pascha] was approaching, he [Dionysius] again communicated in writing with the Christian community, revealing the horrors of the disaster:

Other people would not think this a time for festival: they do not so regard this or any other time, even if, so far from being a time of distress, it is a time of unimaginable joy. Now, alas! all is lamentation, everyone in mourning, and the city resounds with weeping because of the numbers that have died and are dying every day. As Scripture says of the firstborn of the Egyptians, so now  there has been a great cry: there is not a house in which there is not one dead — how I wish it had been only one!

Many terrible things had happened to use even before this. First we were set on and surrounded by persecutors and murderers, yet we were the only ones to keep festival even then. Every spot where we were attacked became for us a place for celebrations, whether field, desert, ship, inn, or prison. The most brilliant festival of all was kept by the fulfilled martyrs, who were feasted in heaven. After that came war and famine, which struck at Christian and heathen alike. We alone had to bear the injuries they did us, but we profited by what they did to each other and suffered at each other’s hands; so yet again we found joy in the peace which Christ has given to us alone. But when both we and they had been allowed a tiny breathing-space, out of the blue came this disease, a thing more terrifying to them than any terror, more frightful than any disaster whatever, and as a historian of their own [Thucydides] once wrote: ‘the only thing of all that surpassed expectation’. To us it was not that, but a schooling and testing as valuable as all our earlier trials; for it did not pass over us, though its full impact fell on the heathen… [ellipses in original]

Most of our brother-Christians showed unbounded love and loyalty, never sparing themselves and thinking only of one another. Heedless of the danger, they took charge of the sick, attending to their every need and ministering to them in Christ, and with them departed this life serenely happy; for they were infected by others with the disease, drawing on themselves the sickness of their neighbors and cheerfully accepting their pains. Many, in nursing and curing others, transferred their death to themselves and died in their stead, turning the common formula that is normally an empty courtesy into a reality: ‘Your humble servant bids you good-bye.’ The best of our brothers lost their lives in this manner, a number of presbyters, deacons, and laymen winning high commendation, so that death in this form, the result of great piety and strong faith, seems in every way the equal of martyrdom. With willing hands they raised the bodies of the saints to their bosoms; they closed their eyes and mouths, carried them on their shoulders, and laid them out; they clung to them, embraced them, washed them, and wrapped them in grave-clothes. Very soon the same services were done for them, since those left behind were constantly following those gone before.

The heathen behaved in the very opposite way. At the first onset of the disease, they pushed the sufferers away and fled from their dearest, throwing them into the roads before they were dead and treating unburied corpses as dirt, hoping thereby to avert the spread and contagion of the fatal disease; but do what they might, they found it difficult to escape.

On the Plague By St. Cyprian of Carthage - 03/26/20

Schedule of Services March 21 - 22 - 03/19/20

Saturday March 21 

7 pm vigil at the monastery cathedral

4pm  Vigil for children  at the cemetery church

Sunday March 22

9 am  Divine Liturgy at the cathedral

9 am  Divine Liturgy for children  at the cemetery church

Note: Monastery parishioners are kindly requested not to attend Trapeza on Sunday after the liturgies.

+ Bishop Luke

Presanctified Liturgy of St James , March 11, 5PM - 03/10/20

St. Tikhon's Monastery in Waymart, PA will host a Bellringing Education Weekend on October 4–6, 2019 - 10/01/19

St. Tikhon's Monastery in Waymart, PA will host a Bellringing Education Weekend on October 4–6, 2019. Organized by New Creation Bellringing, the event consists of two lectures, a demonstration at the monastery belfry, and hands-on ringing lessons for students that have registered in advance.

On Friday, October 4, 7–9 pm, there will be a lecture, "The 5 Essential Elements of a Successful Bellringing Ministry." Intended for clergy, seminarians, and bellringers, it will equip them with the knowledge and tools needed to build a culture of serious church bellringing in their communities. On Saturday, October 5, at 10:00 am, there will be a lecture open to the general public, "The Liturgical Art of Bellringing in the Orthodox Church," which will provide an overview of the history, sounds, and methodology of Christian bellringing, focusing on the bellringing traditions of Orthodox Church. It will be followed by a demonstration at the Millennium Belfry. At Vigil and Liturgy in the monastery church, student bellringers who have studied during the week will ring the tolls and peals.

For more information, visit the event page on Facebook:

To learn more about Constantine Stade and New Creation Bellringing, please visit

Labor Day Weekend 2019 Schedule - 08/28/19

Saturday, 18 / 31 August
Martyrs Florus & Laurus
5:00 Midnight Office
6:00 Divine Liturgy
3:00 Procession to Greet the Pochaev Icon, Akafist to St Job, Communion Rule
7:00 Vigil

Sunday, 19 August / 1 September
11th Sunday after Pentecost
6:00 Early Liturgy in the Church of St Job of Pochaev
9:00 Hierarchal Divine Liturgy with Procession Around the Cathedral, Moleben to the Pochaev Icon and St Job of Pochaev
6:00 Vespers
7:00 Supper 
7:15 Small Compline

Monday, 20 August / 2 September 

5:00 Midnight Office
6:00 Matins
8:00 Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
4:00 Vespers
7:15 Small Compline

Service Schedule for the Dormition of the Theotokos - 08/12/19

As always, the feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos will be served with particular solemnity at Holy Trinity Monastery, including the celebration of the altar feast of the cemetery Church of the Dormition located in the "new cemetery." This year His Grace, Bishop Luke, and the monastery clergy will also serve the Lamentations of the Dormition of the Theotokos (sometimes known as the Burial Service of the Mother of God) in the monastery's cathedral as part of the festal observances.

Lev Ivanovich Pavlinetz Reposed in the Lord - 05/21/19

Lev Ivanovich Pavlinetz reposed in the Lord On Tuesday morning, May 21, 2019. A hierarchical liturgy will take place on Wednesday, May 22, followed by the blessing of the water. Following this service, lunch will be held in trapeza and the funeral for Lev Pavlinetz will follow.

Upcoming Lecture titled “Sergei Vasilievich Rachmaninoff (1873-1943) In Memoriam: An Icon of Russian Culture in the Emigration” on May 15th, 2019 - 05/13/19

On Wednesday, May 15, at 5:30 pm in the Seminary hall, Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary is pleased to present a lecture, delivered in English, titled “Sergei Vasilievich Rachmaninoff (1873-1943) In Memoriam: An Icon of Russian Culture in the Emigration”.

This lecture is mandatory for all students.  Faculty, staff, and the Brotherhood are cordially invited to attend, and the lecture is open to the public.

Bright Friday Hierarchal Divine Liturgy in Memory of Archbishop Alypy - 05/01/19

This Bright Friday, May 3rd, a Hierarchal Divine Liturgy will be held at 9am in memory of Archbishop Alypy. His burial will take place at 1pm after lunch is held in the trapeza. All are invited to attend. 

Lawnmower GoFundMe Project - 04/23/19

Softener of Evil Hearts to Visit Monastery Until Pascha - 04/22/19

The Softener of Evil Hearts icon will visit the monastery from Tuesday, April 23rd until Pascha. The greeting of the icon will take place on Tuesday morning at 9:50am. 

Holy Unction Service - 3:00pm April 16, 2019 - 04/09/19

The Service of Holy Unction will take place at 3:00pm on April 16th, 2019.

Liturgy of St. James to be Served 11am on Friday, April 5, 2019 - 03/27/19

On Friday, April 5th, 2019, we will serve the Liturgy of St. James at 11:00am in the St. Job of Pochaev Church below the main cathedral. 

Conference: Chastity, Purity, Integrity: Orthodox Anthropology and Secular Culture in the 21st Century - March 7th-9th, 2019 - 02/27/19

The Nomination and Consecration of Archimandrite Luke to the Episcopacy (Live Streaming) - 02/07/19

The Nomination to the Episcopacy of Archimandrite Luke  will take place at Holy Trinity Monastery on February 11, 2019 at 5PM. The Consecration to the Episcopacy will take place on the following day, February 12, 2019  also at the Monastery. 



5:00 PM  - Nomination of Archimandrite Luke to the Episcopacy 

7:00PM - Vigil 


9:00 AM  Hierarchical Liturgy/ Consecration to the Episcopacy of Archimandrite Luke 

11th Pilgrimage of the Russian Church Abroad to Holy Places of Russia 2019 - 01/28/19

This year, His Eminence Hilarion, Metropolitan of Eastern America & New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad, will lead a pilgrimage to the holy sites of Russia. Further information and itinerary are available in PDF format below in Russian and English.

The Nomination and Consecration of Archimandrite Luke to the Episcopacy (February 11/12, 2019 - Schedule of Services) - 12/31/18

The Nomination to the Episcopacy of Archimandrite Luke  will take place at Holy Trinity Monastery on February 11, 2019 at 5PM. The Consecration to the Episcopacy will take place on the following day, February 12, 2019  also at the Monastery. 



5:00 PM  - Nomination of Archimandrite Luke to the Episcopacy

6:00PM - Supper

7:00PM - Vigil


9:00 AM  Hierarchical Liturgy/ Consecration to the Episcopacy of Archimandrite Luke

After Liturgy: Reception for all in Seminary Hall ( Overflow in Monastery Refectory)

6:00PM - Supper

6:30PM - 9th Hours, Vespers and Matins, First Hour


9:00AM Hierarchical Liturgy

After Liturgy: Lunch in Monastery Refectory

4:00PM 9th Hour, Vespers and Matins, 1st Hour. (Return to usual schedule of services)

7:00PM Supper

7:15PM: Compline

Liturgy of St. James to be Served Monday, November 5, 2018 - 10/31/18

On Monday, Nov. 5th, 2018, the liturgy of St. James will be served in the main church at 6:00am.

Visit from the Myrrh Streaming Hawaiian Iveron Icon - November 3-4, 2018 - 10/29/18

From Saturday, November 3rd until Sunday, November 4th, the myrrh-streaming Hawaiian Iveron icon will visit Holy Trinity Monastery.

The Lintern Archive: Photographs from the Last Days of the Tsar - November 1, 2018 - 10/25/18

This lecture is presented in conjunction with the Russian History Museum’s current exhibition, Last Days of the Last Tsar.

Discover the fascinating story of a long-lost album containing remarkable photographs of Russia’s last imperial family. Coming to light during the filming of “Antiques Roadshow” in Wales, the 66 photographs in the Lintern Archive show Tsar Nicholas II and his family before the revolution and their life in exile in the Siberian city of Tobolsk. Many of the images have never been published and are new to scholars.

Liturgy of Saint Mark To Be Served - May 8th, 2018 - 04/28/18

On the feast day of the Apostle and Evangelist Mark on April 23/May 8th, the liturgy of St. Mark will be served in the main church at 6am. 

April 2, 2018 - Softener of Evil Hearts to Visit Jordanville - 04/02/18

The myrrh-streaming icon of the Mother of God, Softener of Evil Hearts will be visiting the monastery from Holy and Great Monday (April 2/March 19) until Pascha (April 8/March 26).

The Presanctified Liturgy of St. James to be Served on Friday, March 30th - 03/26/18

This Friday, March 30th, we will be serving the liturgy of St. James at 11am. 

Unction Service on Tuesday March 27th, 2018 - 03/21/18

On Tuesday, March 27th, there will be an Unction service held in the main church at 3PM.

November 25, 2017 - Pannikhida for the Heroes of the White Movement - 11/02/17

On November 25, 2017 at 1:00pm, a pannikhida will be served by Hieromonk Gabriel in the cemetery church in memory of all of the heroes of the White Movement and all those who lost their lives under the Bolshevik yoke.  This is sponsored by the Union of the Descendants of the Heroes of Gallipoli with special significance, this being the hundredth anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution.

October 23, 2017 - Deaconesses Past, Present, and Future - A Public Lecture by Pdn. Patrick Mitchell - 10/23/17

Some Orthodox Christians today are trying to re-institute the ancient Church order of “deaconesses,” despite the uneven history of that female office in the Church, as well as that of the male diaconate. Protodeacon Patrick Mitchell surveys the Church’s early experience of both male and female “deacons” and concludes that they were never the same order, that the female order was inherently problematic for the Church because it appeared to elevate women over men, and that the “ordination” of women as deaconesses made less and less sense as the Church’s understanding of holy orders evolved. That explains why much of the Orthodox Church never had deaconesses, and why even those segments of the Church in antiquity and in the Byzantine era where they did serve eventually abandoned the order.

October 25th-30th - Hawaiian Iveron Icon Visits Jordanville - 10/16/17

The Myrrh-Streaming Hawaiian Iveron Icon will be visiting Holy Trinity Monastery from the night of October 25th until October 30th, 2017. The icon's arrival accompanies the clergy conference of the Eastern-American diocese. The greeting of the icon will take place at 5:00pm on the Wednesday night of the 25th, just prior to the hierarchical All-Night Vigil at 7:00pm. The icon will also be in the main chapel for Thursday morning's hierarchical Divine Liturgy at 9:00am as well as Friday morning's 6:00am Divine Liturgy. At 9:00am that morning, the icon will be brought to St. Elizabeth Skete down the road from the monastery for a moleben with akathist service. On Saturday the 28th, there will be a pannikhida for Br. Jose at the cemetery at 3:30pm, and then a hierarchical All-Night Vigil in the main chapel at 7:00pm. The next morning, the hierarchical Liturgy will begin at 9:00am. A final pannikhida will be held for Br. Jose that afternoon at 3:00pm, and the icon will stay at the monastery for one last liturgy the next morning at 6:00am before its scheduled departure at 11:00am of the 30th of October, 2017.

Tuesday March 21 5:00PM Vespers with Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifs - 03/18/17

Wednesday March 22 5:00 PM Veseprs with Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts - 03/18/17

Holy Unction Service - 03/17/17

On Tuesday, April 4th, 2017, a Holy Unction Service will be held at 3PM.

Presanctified Liturgy of the Holy Apostle James - 03/13/17

On Friday, March 17, 2017 at 11am, a Presanctified Liturgy of the Holy Apostle James will be served. 

Panikhida for Metropolitan Laurus - 03/13/17

On Thursday, March 15, 2017, a panikhida for Metropolitan Laurus will be served.

Funeral for Monk Lazarus - 03/05/17

The funeral for the newly-reposed monk Lazarus will take place on Monday, March 6th 2017. Вечная память!

Sunday March 5 Sunday of Orthodoxy - 03/03/17

9:00 There will be a Hierarchical Divine Liturgy. After the Liturgy the Service of the Triumph of Orthodoxy will be served in the main Cathedral of the Monastery.

Orthodox Life Now Online! - 01/16/17

Arrival of Kursk Root Icon and Pannikhida for Metropolitan Laurus - 01/09/17

On the morning of Wednesday, August 31, the Kursk Root icon will arrive for the morning liturgy. After lunch on Wednesday, Bishop Nikolai will serve a pannikhidi for the memory of Metropolitan Laurus. 

Giving Tuesday - Support Our Seminary! - 11/25/16



November 2016

Dear Friends of Holy Trinity Monastery,

Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary provides students with rigorous academics and traditional spiritual formation, drawing pious Orthodox from all over the world who want to experience its unique environment. Incorporating an undergraduate education with a deep liturgical life in a monastic setting, we offer students a vital atmosphere to learn all the aspects of becoming a future pastor of the Church. 

Your donations help us sustain our rich educational experience. This past year, we hired new faculty to teach Scripture and Philosophy and have invited guest lecturers from across the country to give talks on specialized subjects. To further give variety to the students’ intellectual development, we provide them the opportunity to participate in conferences.

Therefore, on this Giving Tuesday (11/29/2016), we ask for your generous support as we move forward, continuing to provide exceptional training for the future leaders of the Church and to improve the quality of education at Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary. Additionally, this year only, every dollar you donate up to $50,000 to Holy Trinity Seminary by Giving Tuesday will be tripled by a generous grant. Please help us reach this goal – we cannot do this without your help!

If you have questions, please give us a call at 315-858-0945 or email us at

May the blessings of the Lord be upon you!

In Christ,

Archimandrite Luke




11/24 Thanksgiving Moleben - 11/22/16

On Thanksgiving, Holy Trinity Monastery will serve a molebon in the St. Job of Pochaev Chapel at 8 am in the morning.

Panikhida For Descendants of Gallipoli Emigres - 11/16/16

From the Synod website: 

"This year marks an anniversary for the descendants of the Russian emigres in Gallipoli. It is now 95 years since the founding of the Society of Gallipoli. Lieutenant-General Baron Wrangel established the Society on November 22, 1921, exactly a year after the arrival of the first troops of the Russian Army to Gallipoli.

In memory of this occasion, the Main Administration of the Union of the Descendants of the Russians of Gallipoli decided that every year, on the closest Saturday to November 22, to perform pannikhida services wherever the descendants of those members of the White Army live.

November 19, 2016

The Union of the Descendants of the Russians of Gallipoli once again invites you to join us in common prayer for our forefathers, the heroes of the White Army. In accordance with tradition, we ask you all, scattered throughout the world, to organize memorial services where you live, to mark the heroic feats of our ancestors. Those who can organize such a service are encouraged to notify us at

Schedule of services in English-speaking countries 
(services are scheduled in 29 cities worldwide):

Sydney, Australia, SS Peter and Paul Cathedral, 4 pm.

Jordanville, USA, Holy Trinity Monastery, Dormition Church, upper cemetery, 1 pm.

London, England, Cathedral of the Dormition of the Mother of God and the Royal Martyrs, 57 Harvard Rd, London, W4 4D, 4:30 pm.

Hong Kong, China: SS Peter and Paul Church, 12 F, 32-36 Des Voeux Road West, Kingdom Power Commercial Building, Sheung Wan, HK, Hong, 5:30 pm.

San Francisco, CA, Cathedral of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow,” 9:30 am.

New York, NY: Synodal Cathedral of Our Lady “of the Sign,” 10 am.

Montreal, Canada, Museum of Imperial Russia, Cossack Headquarters, 4010, rue Saint-Antoine Ouest -H4C 1C1 -, 2 pm.

Calgary, Canada, St John Chrysostom Church, 14608 Macleod Trail SE – Calgary, 12 pm.

We express our heartfelt thanks to all who participate.

Heaquarters of the Union of the Descendants of the Russians of Gallipoli. 

As the schedule above states, the panikhida will be held at 1PM on Saturday, November 19, 2016.

Arrival of the Myrrh-Streaming Iveron Icon and Panikhida - 10/25/16

During the weekend of October 29th and 30th, Holy Trinity Monastery will welcome the arrival of the myrrh-streaming Iveron icon of the Mother of God. God willing, the icon will arrive early Saturday afternoon and a panikhida service for Br. Jose will be held at 3:00pm.

Labor Day Young Singers' Conference - 08/05/16

PaTRAM Institute presents the first annual Labor Day Young Singers' Conference! Orthodox singers! Come together for the Glory of God and participate in an unforgettable weekend event at the Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, NY!

This conference will take place from 6PM Friday, September 2nd, to 12PM Monday, September 5th, 2016. Contact Sanya at about the opportunity to obtain full scholarships that cover the entire cost of conference tuition: $475. Full details may be found at

Divine Liturgy for St. Sergius - 07/14/16

The service for St. Sergius of Radonezh will begin at 9:00am on Monday, July 18th (5th), and the All Night Vigil will begin at 3:30pm Sunday evening (July 17th/4th). 

Documents on the upcoming Great and Holy Council - 05/11/16

1. Communication of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia to the Clerics and Faithful









 10. On the Great and Holy Council by Fr. Theodore Zisis

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

 11. Response to Professor George Demacopoulos (USA) concerning the article “Innovation Cloaked in the Guise of Tradition:Anti-Ecumenist Efforts to Derail the Holy and Great Synod”by Protopresbyter Anastasios Gkotsopoulos  



13. Sharp and Grave Reactions from the Holy Monasteries of Mt. Athos to the Pan-Orthodox Council
The Holy Monasteries of Mt. Athos have responded to the draft documents and methodology of the Pan Orthodox Council with sharp and pointed reactions. The Letters of Athonite Monasteries, sent to the Holy Community of Mt. Athos, have been released to the public. The letters were written in reaction to the Pan Orthodox documents sent to the Holy Monasteries by the Patriarchate of Constantinople. On account of the seriousness of the matter, it was unanimously decided that the texts prepared for approval by the Council be examined in a specially called Meeting of the Representatives and Abbots of the Holy Monasteries, scheduled to take place after the Bright Week of Pascha.

The Athonite Fathers call attention to the danger presented by the Pan Orthodox Council, as it is being carried out. Namely, among other things, they see:

* the concilarity of the Church being undermined and a theology supportive of primacy being promoted (due to the limited participation of bishops and an excessive authority given to the primates of each of Local Church),
  *an unacceptable ambiguity in the pre-synodical texts, allowing for interpretations which divert from Orthodox dogma,
  *a placing, as the basis of the dialogues, of "the faith and tradition of the ancient Church and the Seven Ecumenical Councils," such that the subsequent history of the Orthodox Church appears to be somehow lacking or impaired,
  *an attempt by some to gain pan-Orthodox confirmation of the scandalous and totally unacceptable texts approved within the World Council of Churches,
  *and the unacceptable application of the term "church" to schisms and heresies.

Excerpts and full translations of the letters will be forthcoming.

Letters in Greek:Ι-Μονές-Αγ-Όρους-Για-Πανορθόδοξη




Holy Trinity Seminary seeks instructor in the Holy Scriptures - 05/09/16

5/10: Metropolitan Hilarion to serve Hierarchical Liturgy - 05/09/16

On Tuesday at 6 am, Metropolitan Hilarion to serve Hierarchical Liturgy at Holy Trinity Monastery.

5/3: Archbishop Gabriel to serve Bright Tuesday Liturgy at monastery - 04/29/16

On Tuesday, May 3, 2016, Archbishop Gabriel will serve Bright Tuesday Liturgy at Holy Trinity Monastery.

Rite of Washing of the Feet on Holy Thursday - 04/25/16

There will be the rite of washing of the feet after the liturgy on Holy Thursday

The Myrrh-Streaming Softener of Evil Hearts Icon to be at Monastery for Holy Week and Pascha - 04/24/16

The Myrrh-Streaming Softener of Evil Hearts Icon to be at Monastery for Holy Week and Pascha.

Wednesday April 20 Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifs of. St. James - 04/16/16

On Wednesday April 20, the  Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts of St. James will be served at 5pm.

4/9-4/10: Bishop Jerome to serve at Holy Trinity Cathedral - 04/08/16

4/9-4/10: Bishop Jerome to serve at Holy Trinity Cathedral.

Changes to Presanctified Liturgy Schedule - 03/14/16

On Tuesday, March 22, Wednesday, March 23, Wednesday, March 30, Wednesday, April 14, and Wednesday, April 20, the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts will take place at 5pm.

3/7: Seminary Lecture on upcoming Pan-Orthodox Council - 02/26/16

Updated articles page with information regarding ecumenism - 02/17/16

3/20: Met. Jonah to lead Sunday of Orthodoxy Service - 02/17/16

On March 20, Metropolitan Jonah will lead the Sunday of Orthodoxy service in Holy Trinity Cathedral.

2016 ROCOR Directory - 01/04/16

The new 2016 parish and clergy directory is now available for download

Vasiliy Nistratov Reposed in the Lord - 12/22/15

Vasiliy Nistratov reposed in the Lord on December 22, at hospital after suffering from respiratory failure the past two weeks.

His funeral will be held on Thursday, December 24, 12:30pm at Holy Trinity Monastery.

12/5: Archbishop Gabriel, Bishop Nicholas, and Kursk-Root Icon to be at Monastery - 12/02/15

Only on Saturday, December 5 Archbishop Gabriel, Bishop Nicholas, and Kursk-Root Icon to be at Monastery. On Sunday, December 6, Archbishop Gabriel will serve Hierarchical Liturgy at the Monastery.

GIVING TUESDAY: All of today's donations to the Seminary will be matched by a generous donor! Support the future pastors of the Church. - 11/30/15

ALL ALUMNI INVITED: February 10 -12: Seminary Alumni Reunion at HTS - 12/11/15 - 10/28/15

Alumni Reunion February 10 -12, 2016

Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary Join your fellow Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary alumni for the Second Annual Alumni Reunion on the eve of the Feast of Three Hierarchs, the patronal feast of our seminary. Come to Jordanville to meet old friends, get reacquainted with your alma mater, experience the liturgical services as you remember them with the Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary Choir, and to meet current faculty, staff, and seminarians.

The reunion program begins on Wednesday evening and concludes with the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy for the Feast of the Three Hierarchs on Friday, February 12, followed by a reception. For more information and updates about the gathering, check our website We look forward to seeing you!


Documentary Film of Monastery and Seminary "Then and Now" Available on Youtube - 10/14/15

October 10: Free Lecture in English on Patriarch Tikhon of Moscow (1865 - 1925) at Holy Trinity Seminary - 09/29/15

Short documentary about the history of Holy Trinity Monastery (in Russian) - 09/29/15

Sept. 7th Schedule Change: Liturgy beginning at 7:30AM instead of 8:30AM - 09/06/15

The Hours for the Labor Day liturgy service will begin on Monday morning at 7:30AM rather than the previously scheduled 8:30AM time. 

Aug 29-31: Vladyka Gabriel to be at Jordanville for Pannykhida for Metr. Laurus on Monday - 08/27/15

Vladyka Gabriel will serve the All- Night Vigil at Holy Trinity Monastery on Saturday, August 29th, a Hierarchical Liturgy on August 30th, and а Pannykhida for Metropolitan Laurus on Monday for Sts. Flor and Laurus.

The Pannykhida will begin at about 12:30 on Monday after lunch.

Thank you for your support on oil tank project! - 08/25/15

On behalf of the Brotherhood of Holy Trinity Monastery we would like to express our gratitude to all our donors who helped defray the expenses of the environmental project concerning our oil tanks. The final cost was $816,295.50. The financial burden would have been impossible without your support.

God bless your generosity!

In Christ,

Archimandrite Luke and Brotherhood.

New Jordanville Shuttle Service from Synod and Novo-Diveevo Convent - 08/25/15

ROCOR Statement on Same-Sex "Marriage" - 07/13/15

2013 Assembly of Bishops Statement on Marriage and Sexuality - 06/27/15

2013 Assembly Statement on Marriage and Sexuality

From the Assembly of Bishops

To our Orthodox Faithful

1. We, the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America, representing millions of Orthodox Christians in the United States of America, Canada and Central America, express our deep concern over recent actions on the part of our respective governments and certain societal trends concerning the status of marriage in our countries, in particular the legalization of same-sex unions.

2. The Orthodox Christian teaching on marriage and sexuality, firmly grounded in Holy Scripture, two millennia of Church Tradition, and Canon Law, holds that the sacrament of marriage consists in the union of a man and a woman, and that authentic marriage reflects the sacred unity that exists between Christ and His Bride, the Church.

3. Persons with homosexual orientation are to be cared for with the same mercy and love that is bestowed on all of humanity by our Lord Jesus Christ.  Moreover, the Church is a spiritual hospital, where we all are called to find the healing of our fallen humanity through Jesus Christ, who assumed human nature in order to restore it.  All of us struggle with various passions, and it is only within the Church that we find the means of overcoming these passions with the assistance of God’s grace.  Acting upon any sexual attraction outside of sacramental marriage, whether the attraction is heterosexual or homosexual, alienates us from God.

4. We exhort the clergy and faithful of the Orthodox Church to bear witness to the timeless teachings of Christ by striving for purity and holiness in their own lives, by instructing their families and communities in the precepts of the Holy Gospel, and by placing their trust in our Lord, who “has overcome the world.” (John 16.33)

5. Finally, we encourage our faithful to approach their parish priest or spiritual father with any questions or concerns about this statement and its practical repercussions in their daily lives.

Video: Introducing the New Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary Press - 06/18/15

Price Change for Jordanville Candles - 06/17/15

Price Changes for Jordanville Candles:
Due to an increase in beeswax prices, beginning August 1, 2015, the new price of candles for churches will be $10 a pound and $16 for a set of five Bishop Candles.

Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary Introduces New Publishing Endeavor - 05/19/15

4/8-4/13: Icon of the Mother of God "Softener of Evil Hearts" at Jordanville - 04/06/15

Icon of the Mother of God "Softener of Evil Hearts" will be at Jordanville from Wednesday (April 8) to Monday (April 13).

April 1: Presanctifed Liturgy in English at 5:30pm - 03/11/15

On April 1, Fr Luke will serve a Presanctified Liturgy in English in the Dormition Church in the cemetery at 5:30pm. The English translation of the Liturgy is from Colonel Philip Ludwell III (1716-1767).

Here is a short write-up on Colonol Ludwell III from

"Just over 250 years ago, Colonel Philip Ludwell III (1716-1767) made the first complete English translation of theDivine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts. He was a Virginian plantation owner, who in 1738 travelled to England to be received into Holy Orthodoxy at the parish in London under the authority of the Holy Governing Synod of the Russian Church. His translation of The Divine & Holy Liturgy of St. Gregory the Dialogist as it is Performed without a Deacon was most probably made in the summer of 1761, when he had again travelled to London with his three daughters. They were received into the Church there before the Presanctified Liturgy of Holy Wednesday, 1762.

Colonel Ludwell’s translation has recently been transcribed from the original handwritten text by Reader Nicholas Chapman and prepared for use with a deacon by Reader Peter Gardner. It has also been updated to conform to contemporary usage, and a short historical introduction added. This edition was published at the end of February by St. Polycarp Press, Alexandria, VA and can be purchased here."


March 16: Panikhida for Metropolitan Laurus - 03/11/15

On March 16, Holy Trinity Monastery will serve a Panikhida for Metropolitan Laurus after lunch.

March 31: Unction Service at Holy Trinity Monastery - 03/08/15

On March 31, Holy Trinity Monastery will perform the Unction Service. Time TBD.

March 11: Presanctified Liturgy of St. James - 03/03/15

On March 11, Holy Trinity Monastery will serve the Presanctified Liturgy of St. James at 11am in the church of St Job of Pochaev in the basement of the Holy Trinity Cathedral.

New document entitled "On the Participation of the Faithful in the Eucharist" approved by Russian Orthodox Church - 02/19/15

Jordanville featured in New York Archives magazine - 02/10/15

Visit of Kursk Icon to Holy Trinity Monastery January 1 - January 3 2015 - 12/27/14

Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan will bring the Kursk Icon on January 1 and it will remain here until Sunday January 4. More details will be posted.

The New Ecclesiology of Patriarch Bartholomew Petition - 12/07/14

Petition Regarding The New Ecclesiology of Patriarch Bartholomew

11/22 Pannykhida for Gallipoli Victims - 11/20/14

On Saturday November 22, Hieromonk Theophylact will serve a pannykhida for the World War I Gallipoli victims. The service will be at 12:30 pm at the Dormition Cemetery Chapel.

Artificial Flowers Are Not Permitted In Cemetery - 11/20/14

Artificial flowers are not permitted in the cemetery. All artificial flowers will be removed after December 1, 2014.

December 1: Metropolitan Hilarion to rebury Bishop Constantine (Essensky) of Richmond at Holy Trinity Monastery - 11/20/14

With the blessing of His Eminence, Metropolitan Hilarion, the brethren of Holy Trinity Monastery have transported the remains of the ever-memorable Bishop Constantine (Essensky; +1996) from a former monastery in Blanco, TX to Jordanville, NY. On Monday, December 1st, the First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad will rebury Bishop Constantine in a dignified resting place behind the main cathedral, where many other archpastors of the Russian Diaspora are interred.

Approximately $10,000 is needed to cover the costs associated with Bishop Constantine’s relocation. Therefore, with the blessing of Metropolitan Hilarion, the brethren of Holy Trinity Monastery appeal to all those who love God, to all who hold dear the memory of Bishop Constantine, who served the Russian Church on three continents – Europe, America, and Australia – to please help in this God-pleasing endeavor.

Please send your donations to:

Holy Trinity Monastery
PO Box 36 
Jordanville, NY, 13361
Note: "Bishop Constantine"

To read the life of Bishop Constantine click here.


New Information for Visiting Monastery - 11/17/14

Attention all pilgrims and visitors
Visitors must contact the monastery before visiting unless their intention is to visit for a few hours and then leave. All groups must make prior arrangements regardless of their duration of stay. 
Please contact via email :
By phone: (315) 858-0940

October 25 - 26: The Wonderworking Hawaiian Iveron Icon of the Mother of God to visit Monastery - 09/23/14

From October 25 - 26, The Wonderworking Hawaiian Iveron Icon of the Mother of God will visit Holy Trinity Monastery for the Open House event and the St. John the Baptist Parishes annual pilgrimage to Jordanville.

November 1 - St John of Kronstadt Utica, New York Parish Feast Day - 09/07/14

Announcement from St John of Kronstadt Parish in Utica, New York:

Saturday 1st November 2014 marks two very special anniversaries in our parish: the 60th Anniversary of our St. John of Kronstadt Memorial Fund (1954-2014) and the 50th Anniversary of the Glorification of our St. John of Kronstadt (1964-2014). Our parish will be marking these special events with liturgical celebrations and an anniversary banquet. His Eminence, Metropolitan Hilarion will lead the celebrations that day in concelebration with Their Graces, Bishop Peter of Cleveland and Bishop Nicholas of Manhatten, and with local and visiting clergy. 

The schedule of events will be the following:

Friday 31st October 2014: Pannykhida for the reposed founders and active members of our Memrial Fund at 5:30 pm, followed by Vigil at 6:00pm;

Saturday 1st November 2014: Meeting of the Metropolitan, Divine Liturgy and Molieben with the Procession of the Cross at 9:15 am, followed by a Festive Banquet at the Aqua Vino Restaurant, 16 Harbor Lock Road (off Genesee St. in Utica), Utica, NY 13502.

The cost for Banquet tickets is $32.00 per adult, $16.00 for between ages 5 to 10, and children aged 4 and under are free of charge.  Please make all reservations by October 24th, 2014, and make checks payable to ST. JOHN OF KRONSTADT R.O. MEMORIAL CHURCH, which may be mailed to St. John of Kronstadt Memorial Church, 1009 Conkling Avenue, Utica, NY 13507-0056. 

Clerical vestments will be in gold. Please join us for these celebrations in our parish.

Registration: HTOS to Host Conference on St Sergius of Radonezh on October 10-11, 2014 - 09/03/14

Kursk Icon at Holy Trinity Monastery - 08/24/14

The Kursk icon will arrive at Holy Trinity Monastery with Bishop Nicholas  of Manhattanon on  Wednesday August 27 and will be here until Monday Septemeber 1 2014. 

Kursk Icon and Bishop Nicholas (Olhovsky) will be at Monastery from 8/28 - 9/1 - 07/23/14

The Kursk-Root Icon will be present and the Right Reverend Bishop Nicholas (Olhovsky) will be serving at the Monastery for the Feast of the Dormition through Labor Day weekend.

Interview with Rector Archimandrite Luke about new, existing programs and the use of the English language at Holy Trinity Seminary - 06/09/14

New Holy Trinity Seminary Certificate in Pastoral Studies Program - 05/28/14

The Foundation of Russian History Museum Now Open - 05/17/14

The Foundation of Russian History Museum at Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary is now officially open to the public. Normal museum hours are Wednesday through Friday 2-5 pm and Saturday and Sunday 1-4 pm and by advance appointment.

Paper Proposal Deadline Extended for Seminary Student Conference on St. Sergius of Radonezh - 05/15/14

Seminary Lecture by Dr. Christopher Veniamin "On Becoming Theologians" - 04/29/14

Born and raised in London, England of Greek Cypriot parents, Professor Veniamin is the editor and translator of Saint Gregory Palamas: The Homilies (2009 and 2014), and the author of The Orthodox Understanding of Salvation: “Theosis” in Scripture and Tradition (2013, 2014). He is a spiritual child of Elder Sophrony of Essex, Professor of Patristics at St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania, and President of Mount Thabor Publishing (est. 2005). Dr. Veniamin holds his first degree in Theology from the University of Thessalonica (Greece) and his doctorate from Oxford University (England), where he studied under Metropolitan Kallistos Ware. The subject of his doctoral thesis is The Transfiguration of Christ in Greek Patristic Literature: From Irenaeus of Lyons to Gregory Palamas (1991), which he is reworking in preparation for publication in 2015.  The lecture is titled  "On becoming Theologians."

The lecture will be held on Thursday, May 1 at 5 p.m. in the Holy Trinity Seminary Hall.

Icon of the Mother of God "Softener of Evil Hearts" to Visit Holy Trinity Monastery from April 16 - 20 - 04/05/14

Visitation Schedule of the Icon of the Mother of God "Softener of Evil Hearts" in the Eastern American Diocese

With the blessing of His Eminence, Metropolitan Hilarion, from March 21 to April 2, the myrrh-bearing Icon of the Mother of God "Softener of Evil Hearts" will visit the Eastern American Diocese. Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, NY will be sponsoring the Icon’s visit to the United States. The Icon will visit Holy Trinity Monastery from Wednesday, April 16 to Sunday, April 20.

Presanctified Liturgy of St. James - April 11 2014 - 04/02/14

The Presanctified Liturgy of St. James will be served at Holy Triity Monastery on April 11 at 11am.

New Holy Trinity Monastery Bookstore Website - 03/23/14

We are very pleased to announce the launch of the new Holy Trinity Monastery Bookstore website, which can be found here. This website marks a big jump forward in terms of ease of use for customers, improved cover images, and the ability to have Russian text. Like anything in life, this website is a work in progress, and we will be improving and adding more titles all the time. Thank you for supporting Holy Trinity Monastery through its bookstore!

2014 Calendar Corrections Pages 12 - 14 - 01/21/14

Click herefiles/Errata_Kalendar_pp12-14.pdf (69kb) to download corrections to 2014 Calendar

New 2014 Spisok/ Directory is available now for download - 01/19/14

Clicke here to download

Russian Version of Monastery Site Ready by April 2014 - 01/13/14

We hope to have ready the Russian version of the monastery website by April 2014.

Lenten Retreat at Holy Trinity Monastery for Clergy of the Eastern American Diocese March 12 - 14 2014 - 01/13/14

The Clergy Lenten Retreat will be held at Holy Trinity Monastery from March 12 - 14. The retreat will be bilingual and include the seminarians. Wednesday the 12th is a travel day. The Conference begins on Thursday and will end following the Presanctified Liturgy on Friday.

Kursk Root Icon will be in Jordanville from December 28 - January 2 - Moleben and Akathist Schedule - 12/24/13

On Monday December 30 there will be a moleben and Akathist to the Kursk Icon in Rissian after compline around 8:10PM

On Tuesday December 31 there will be a moleben and Akathist to the Kursk Icon in English at 6PM in the main cathedral.

Metropolitan Philip's Letter to President Obama - 12/10/13

Metropolitan Philip's Letter to President Obama

Hierarchical Service for the Feast of the Entry into the Temple of the Mother of God - 11/27/13

There will be a hierarchical service of rthe Feast of the Entry into the Temple of the Mother of God on December 3-4,  2013

Thanksgiving Moleben - 11/27/13

A thanksgiving moleben will be served in English in the lower Church of St. Job of Pochaev at 11am on Thursday November 28 2013.

His Grace Bishop George of Mayfield will be serving at Holy Trinity Monastery for the Feast of the Nativity - 11/20/13

In Commemoration of he 400th Anniversary of the founding of the Romanov Dynasty - 11/13/13


In Commemoration of he 400th Anniversary of the founding of the Romanov Dynasty

On November 26/December 9 there will be an All-Night Vigil for the Kursk-Root Icon

On the following day November 27/December 10 Divine Liturgy at 9:00 followed by a Pannykhida for all the reposed Romanovs

At 1:00 PM in the seminary hall there will be a lecture and report of our participation in this jubilee year, a slide presentation, a choral concert in honor of the Romanovs and specially prepared refreshments.

All are invited.

Archimandrite Luke


Funeral for Protodeacon John Onopko - 09/18/13

The funeral for Protodeacon John will be held at Holy Trinity Monastery on Friday September 20 at 1PM. There will be a memorail meal at 12 noon.

“The Making of Holy Russia - The Orthodox Church and Russian Nationalism before the Revolution” By Priest John Strickland - 09/16/13

“The Making of Holy Russia - The Orthodox Church and Russian Nationalism before the Revolution” By Priest John Strickland

Place: Seminary Hall
When: Tuesday at 5

This lecture is open to the public.


«Создание Святой Руси: Православная Церковь и русский национализм до революции»
Лекция Иерей Иоанн Стрикленд
 Когда: во вторник в 5 часов
Место проведения: Семинарский зал
Эта лекция является открытой для общественности.

Talk by Archimandrite Roman Krassovsky on Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem - 09/11/13

On Friday September 13, 5PM, Archimandrite Roman Krassovsky, head of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem will give a talk in the seminary hall about the work and life in the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem. All are welcome.

Kursk Icon at Holy Trinity Monastery from August 23 - September 2 - 08/24/13

On Monday August 26 after Compline (around 8:15PM) there will be an Akathist to the Kursk Root Icon in Slavonic in the main Holy Trinity Cathedral.

On Friday, Ausgust 30 at 6PM there will be an Akathist to the Kursk Root Icon in English in the Church of Saint Job of Pochaev.

Monastery Directive for the Fast - 06/30/13

Our Abbot and Rector Archimandrite Luke announced at the end of the Liturgy the beginning of the Peter and Paul Fast, according to the Church Calendar. He gave a directive that during the Fast to add to the Litany of Fervent  Supplication the petition: "Look  down O Master, Lover of mankind..." and commemorate, "All those who suffer and are persecuted for the Orthodox Faith and this land its authorities and all those who with faith and piety live herein."

Christians are being persecuted in China by godless Communists/materialists and in Syria by God-fighting  Muslim terrorists. In this country and in other countries on the highest levels of government decisions are made that distort and redefine the institution of marriage and moral norms contrary to the teaching of the Gospel and the Orthodox Faith as well as civilization from the time of our First Ancestors. In the scientific world genetic manipulation has reached bizarre proportions which undermine the meaning of the word "natural" and demonically mock the Creator attempting to usurp His power. The value and significance of the Orthodox understanding of what it means to be human is turned upside down.

This Fast was instituted to secure and preserve the Gifts of the Holy Spirit received during the festive period and also to inspire a change of heart in all of us. We pray that those who have alined themselves with the Prince of this World will turn instead to Christ and His Church, the only source of Salvation, Truth and Goodness!

Myrrh Streaming Icon , "Softener of Evil Hearts" in Jordanville - 04/21/13

On Monday April 22 there will be the greeting of the myrrhstreaming icon "Softener of Evil Hearts" at Holy Trinity Monastery Cathedral followed by a moleben and Akathist in Slavonic  around 12:30PM.

On Thursday April 25, 6PM  there will be a moleben and Akathist in English

Standard Size Candles Produced at Holy Trinity Monastery - 03/31/13

The following size candles are the standard sizes that we make for Holy Trinity Monastery. The diameter sizes are standard sizes that most Russian Churches use. It is quicker to fulfil orders in a timely fashion for these candles as we always stock extra boxes for these sizes.

Click here to see a detailed list of sizes.

Candles are $9 a pound









Presanctified Liturgy of the Apostle James - April 12, 2013 - 03/29/13

At 11 am on Friday  April 12 the Presanctified Liturgy of the Apostle James will be celebrated.

A short History of the Presanctified Liturgy of the Apostle James by Bishop Jerome of Manhattan

The Presanctified Liturgy of St. James was the traditional form of the Presanctified, as celebrated by the Church of Jerusalem in the Holy Sepulchre. The oldest Greek text was published in 1896 and subsequent editions of Brightman's "Liturgies Eastern and Western", Vol. I: Eastern Liturgies, on pp. 494-501. This edition contains only the litanies, exclamations and some rubrics, but not the inaudible prayers of the celebrant. It is found complete, in the "Liturgicon of Jerusalem" (also entirely in Greek), published some years ago by the Jerusalem Patriarchate.

Judging by the text in Brightman, this Liturgy was at first celebrated, not in conjunction with Vespers, but together with the Typica. Therefore the Litanies said "Let us complete our prayer unto the Lord", and not "...our *evening* prayer unto the Lord". This also explains several other peculiarities of the text. The earlier form of the Liturgy began with a procession from one chapel to another in the church of the Holy Sepulchre, which is why it substitutes the "Tropar of the day" for "O Gladsome Light" at the Entrance.

The Presanctified Liturgy of St. James includes the Creed, the prayer "Vouchsafe O Lord", and other material not normally found in the Presanctified. A translation into modern Serbian was published by Bishop Chrysostom of the Banat diocese, where it is celebrated on specific days in Lent. However, the Jerusalem edition says this Liturgy can be celebrated on any Lenten weekday.

Clergy Conference Schedule - April 2-3 2013 - 03/29/13

2013 Northern Lenten Retreat at Holy Trinity Monastery - April 1-3, 2013 - 03/01/13

Where: Holy Trinity Monastery – 1407 Robinson Road, Jordanville, NY 13407

When: April 1-3, 2013. Retreat officially begins on Tuesday, April 2nd at 8:00 AM; Monday, April 1st is designated as a travel day – dinner at 7:00 PM, followed by Great Compline.

Cost: $150 per person (includes two nights lodging). Local registration cost is $100 per person and does not include lodging accomodations.

Who can attend: Clergy (deacons and priests) and matushkas of the Eastern American Diocese ROCOR and Patriarchal Parishes in the USA MP.

Lodging: Monastery guesthouse. Two nights lodging (double occupancy) on April 1st and 2nd. When registering, please indicate your primary roommate choice (couples will automatically be assigned to the same room).

Airport: Those who wish to fly to New York must fly to Albany International Airport ALB and send their flight information to Cyprian@hts.eduin order to arrange for pick-up and drop-off.

Services: All clergy will serve at the Hierarchal Presanctified Liturgy in Holy Trinity Cathedral on Wednesday, April 3rd – 5:00 AM Midnight Office and Hours, 8:30 AM Liturgy. Clergy are asked to bring their own black vestments.

Speaker: The main speaker at the Northern Retreat is Protopresbyter Valery Lukianov. 

Registration: The Northern Retreat is limited to 100 participants and registrations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.Registration must be completed online at or by using the links below:


5th Anniversary of the Repose of Met. Laurus - March 16 2013 - 03/01/13

Dear in the Lord Reverend Fathers,

Saturday, March 16th will mark the fifth anniversary of the blessed repose the ever-memorable Metropolitan Laurus. That morning, Divine Liturgy will be celebrated at 6:00 AM by His Eminence, Metropolitan Hilarion, in Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, followed by a panihida. All diocesan clergy are invited to Jordanville to honor the memory of our beloved First Hierarch.

With the blessing of Metropolitan Hilarion, all diocesan rectors are asked to serve panihidas in their parishes on Saturday evening, March 16th, prior to the All-Night Vigil, and are asked to commemorate the ever-memorable Metropolitan Laurus at the Great Entrance on Sunday morning, March 17th.

May our Lord God grant eternal rest to His faithful servant, the ever-memorable Metropolitan Laurus, in the mansions of the righteous.

With love in Christ,

Archpriest Serge Lukianov
Diocesan Secretary


Moleben and Akathist to the Kursk Root Icon - 02/19/13

On Thursday February 21 there will be a moleben and Akathist served to the Kursk icon in  Slavonic  after Compline around 8:15pm.

On Friday  February 22 there will be a moleben and Akathost to the Kursk root icon at 6pm.

Clarification - 02/13/13

At the monastery at all the petitions in the services and at the Proskomedia  the authorities and armed forces are commemorated as anyone who visits can attest.

Archimandrite Luke

Children's Christmas Yolka, Sunday January 13 - 01/13/13

Pannykhida for Metropolitan Philaret - 12/13/12

On Friday December 13 Metropolitan Hilarion will serve a pannykhida for Metropolitan Philaret at Holy Trinity Monastery around 12: 30PM

Fund for Assistance Matching Appeal Update - 11/29/12

Fund for Assistance Matching Appeal Update

Update on Hieromonk Gabriel of Holy Trinity Monastery - 11/20/12

Dear Friends and Supporters of Holy Trinity Monastery!

On November 9, 2012 Father Gabriel, his lawyer, and I went to Buffalo to the court hearing assigned for his case. At the hearing, Homeland Security indicated to the court that it was willing to administratively close the case. The file prepared by the law firm was so thorough that an overwhelming impression was conveyed concerning Father Gabriel's importance for our community. We are deeply grateful for all of your support and prayers in our time of need.

God bless you for your labors!

Archimandrite Luke

We especially want to express our gratitude to the law firm Bibicheff  & Associates, P.C., Brooklyn NY, for their utmost professionalism and heartfelt attention without which such a successful outcome could hardly have been possible!


Kursk Icon Visits Holy Trinity Monastery - 11/12/12

On Wednesday November 14 there will be a moleben and Akathist to the Kursk Root icon in  Slavonic after compline around 8:15PM in the Church of St. Job of Pochaev.

On Thursday, November 15 there will be a moleben and Akathist to the Kursk Root Icon in English at 6PM

CHULMERICH, Electric Carillons Machine for Sale - 11/03/12

- 11/03/12

Location: Holy Trinity Monastery, 1407 Robinson Road, Jordanville, 13361 NY

Brand: SCHULMERICH, Electric Carillons Machine.

Model: CAST BELL (1989)

Serial No: 13592

Description: Since the installment of the Electric Carillons Machine, Holy Trinity Monastery used it only on few occasions accommodating the 15 bells in the bell-tower. The bells varying in size from approx 5 tonne's to 15 kilograms were molded to suit the practice of the long standing Russian Orthodox tradition of bells. However, the machine did not meet the rhythm when came to the ever exhilarating ringing of the same tradition. In terms of usage, the machines is as good as new with all parts in tact and ready for pick up. There are 23 different size clappers to accommodate 15 bells, played by a electric piano. The machines also has a cassette player dictating the rhythm with a choice of various speeds (please consider the attachments for assessing the items).

Saturday Nov 3 - Hierarchical LIturgy for Metropolitan Hilarion's Names Day - 11/02/12

On Saturday November 3 at 9am His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion will serve at Holy Trinity Monastery for his names day.

Moleben on October 29 cancelled and rescheduled for Thursday November 1 6PM - 10/23/12

Due to the increasing concern of our extended monastery community about the negative moral and spiritual direction of the USA on Oct 29 in the lower church of St. Job of Pochaev will be served a moleben for this country, its authorities and armed forces and all those who with faith and piety live here

O luka

Visitation Schedule of the Hawaiian Iveron Icon of the Mother of God to Holy Trinity Monastery - 10/12/12

Saturday, October 27, 2012
2:00 PM Panihida for Br. José Muñoz,
7:00 PM Hierarchal Vigil:
Holy Trinity Monastery

New Website for St. Elizabeth Skete - 10/03/12

Click here to view the new website for St. Elizabeth Skete in Jordanville NY

Online Petition to help Rev. Father Gabriel stay in the United States - 09/17/12

September 1, 2012

There is a distinct possibility one of our fathers here at Holy Trinity Monastery could be deported due to difficulties with Immigration and Naturalization authorities.

Rev. Father Hieromonk Gabriel is of great value to our monastery. It would be a huge loss and tragic if he were forced to leave.

Please sign the online petition  to help Fr. Gabriel.

Funeral for Archimandrite Flor - 09/04/12

This morning around 5am Archimandrite Flor reposed in the Lord at Holy Trinity Monastery. We ask for your prayers for his soul.

The funeral for Fr. Flor will be held on Wednesday September 5, 1pm at the monastery cathedral. His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion will be presiding at the funeral service.

Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary Convocation September 12, 2012; 2 - 4 pm - 09/03/12

Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary
September 12, 2012; 2 - 4 pm
Dedicated to the 100th  year anniversary
 of the second edition to
Antoniades’ Patriarchal Greek New Testament


· Opening Prayer
 Fr. Luke 3 min

· Biblical Readings of the Day in Greek & Old Church Slavonic
 Students 10 min

· Introduction – The Antoniades Text and its reception
 Dr. Adamou 20 min

· The Byzantine Tradition of the Greek New Testament & the work of Antoniades
  Dr. Maurice Arthur Robinson 60 min

· The Greek text of NT in the Fathers of the Church
 Dr. Fr. Dragas 30 min

· Distribution of the 100th year Anniversary edition of the Greek New Testament to the students 5 min

· Closing Remarks
 Fr. Luke 10 min


8/26: Akathist to be served in English before the Kursk Root Icon - 08/23/12

On Sunday August 26, 5:30pm, there will be an Akathist served in English before the Kursk Root Icon in the Dormition Cemetery Chapel.

Metropolitan Hilarion visiting Holy Trinity Monastery - 08/19/12

His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion will be at Holy Trinity Monastery from Aug 19 - Aug 21. On Monday August 20 a pannikhida will be served by Metropolitan Hilarion at the grave of Archimandre Vladimir straight after lunch around 12:30PM.

Labor Day Weekend 2012 - 08/11/12

Everyone is invited to spend the last civil holiday of the summer at Holy Trinity Monastery for  a spiritual retreat. His Grace Bishop George will serve at the Monastery on Labor Day weekend. Please inform us if a group of more than ten people is coming from a parish.

Saturday September 1

3PM  Procession to cemetery. Moleben and Akathist to St Job in main cathedral followed by the Rule for Holy Communion

7PM Vigil

Sunday September 2

6 AM   Early Liturgy
9AM  Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
6PM Vespers
7PM Supper
7:30 Compline

Monday September 3

5 AM Midnight Office and Matins
8:30 AM  Divine Liturgy

Please inform us if a group of more than ten people is coming from a parish.

Pannikhida for Metropolitan Laurus - May 16 12:30PM - 05/05/12

To all clergy of the Eastern American Diocese
As we approach the fifth anniversary of the signing of the Act of Canonical Communion between the Moscow Patriarchate and Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, our hearts are filled with joy and thanksgiving to the Lord for granting unity to our Church.

Since the joint pastoral conference of Diocesan and Patriarchal clergy has been postponed to October 11-13, solemn services in honor of the fifth anniversary will be held on May 16th and 17th at Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, NY and St. Nicholas Patriarchal Cathedral in New York City.

On Wednesday, May 16th, on the eve of the anniversary, a panihida will be held at the tomb of Metropolitan Laurus in Holy Trinity Monastery at 12:30 PM. This will be a special time for us to remember our beloved Vladyka, and also His Holiness Patriarch Alexey II, and to thank them for their efforts in reuniting our long-suffering Church. The panihida will be led by the Administrator of Patriarchal Parishes in the USA, His Eminence Justinian, Archbishop of Naro-Fominsk, co-served by His Grace George, Bishop of Mayfield, His Grace Jerome, Bishop of Manhattan, and clergy of the Moscow Patriarchate and ROCOR.

The following morning, May 17th, the Divine Liturgy will be served in St. Nicholas Patriarchal Cathedral by the above-mentioned clergy. The greeting of the bishop will begin at 10:00 AM; clergy are asked to arrive by 9:30 AM and to bring their own white vestments. After the Liturgy, a festal banquet will be held in the cathedral hall.

All diocesan clergy and their faithful are invited and encouraged to attend these services. Those who cannot make it to New York City are asked to serve either a Divine Liturgy or Thanksgiving moleben on May 17th. God willing, I will be in Moscow at that time, celebrating the fifth anniversary with His Holiness, Patriarch Kyrill.

Please accept my most sincere congratulations on this joyous fifth anniversary. May the Lord continue to bestow His rich and abundant mercies on our Holy Church and Her faithful.

With  love  in  Christ,

Metropolitan of Eastern America & New York
First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia

Holy Trinity Monastery Open House - May 19 2-5PM - 05/02/12

Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, NY, invites all those interested to experience its Open House on Saturday, May 19, from 2:00 to 5:00 PM. Guests will be able to learn about the history of Russian Orthodox icons on a tour of the monastery church and grounds, as well as view two slideshows: one about the Orthodox Church and one on the history of the monastery.

Click here for posting

"The History of the Search and Identification of the Romanov Remains" May 6 - 05/01/12

This is  a Power Point presentation with 100 slides by Captain Peter Sarandinaki

Where: Holy Trinity Seminary Hall
Time : 3 - 4 : 30 PM

Talks by Fr. Peter Heers at Holy Trinity Monastery (In English) - Friday April 27 4 -7PM - 04/06/12


Holy Trinity Monastery will be hosting two talks by Father Peter Heers. The talks will be held at the Hall of Holy Trinity Seminary
Friday April 27 2012, 4 – 7 PM
The Message of the Elder Paisios for Orthodox Christians in America Today
This talk will introduce the life, spiritual personality and teaching of one of the greatest elders of the 20th century. Issues which are especially important for Orthodox in America will be touched upon, such as: the Church in the modern world, the Elder's encounters with religions of the world: Buddhism, Hinduism, and Heterodoxy, our responsibility to stand for truth in society, human justice vs. divine justice, philotimo vs. egotism, and spiritual heroism, among others. Also, two letters written by the elder which have been circulated in Greece, but which have remained unpublished and untranslated into English, will be discussed. The aim of the lecture will be to both introduce the new biography and assist the faithful in understanding the challenges of the times and the Church's proper response to these. Fr. Peter will be speaking to us upon the occasion of the release of the long-awaited publication of the definitive "Life" of Elder Paisios. Copies of the new book will be available at the lecture.

Coffee break for 20 minutes followed by the second talk below
Baptism and the Church: An Orthodox Analysis of The Ecclesiology of the Second Vatican Council
This talk will include an historical-theological review of the path taken to arrive at the new ecclesiology of Vatican II as well as a theological analysis and critique of the new ecclesiology. Our examination will include: the historical background of the council, its stated aims, the theologians who were behind the decrees, the impact of the new ecclesiology on the ecumenical movement and the Orthodox reaction to date. The questions which we will attempt to  answer include: How does the new ecclesiology of Vatican II differ from the Orthodox, patristic view of the Church? Is the new ecclesiology a return to the ancient Western view of Baptism and the Church expounded by Blessed Augustine, as has been claimed? Does the Orthodox Church recognize as her own the Baptism of schismatics or heretics? What is the consensus patrum?
Biographical Note:
Fr. Peter Alban Heers is the founder and first to serve as editor of Divine Ascent, A Journal of Orthodox Faith, and the founder and current head of Uncut Mountain Press. He is a Ph.D. candidate at the Theological School of the University of Thessalonica, where he has also completed is undergraduate studies and Masters degree in Dogmatic Theology. He is the rector of the parish of the Holy Prophet Elias in Petrokerasa, a small village in the mountains outside of Thessalonica, Greece. He is co-responsible for the translation of the new "Life" of Elder Paisios of Mount Athos, by Hieromonk Isaac, which will be available for purchase at the lectures.

First Visit of the Icon Softener of Evil Hearts - 03/30/12

The icon will be officially greeted on Tuesday April 3 in Church straight after lunch (around 12:30PM).

There will be an English service to the icon at 5:30 PM on the same day.

Pannykhida for Metropolitan Laurus - March 16 - 03/16/12

Archbishop Gabriel of Montreal and Canada will serve a pannykhida for Metropolitan Laurus on his fourth anniversary since his repose after lunch on Friday, March. Lunch will be over around 1pm.

Myrrh Bearing Icon of the Softening of Evil Hearts coming to Holy Trinity Monastery - 02/10/12

A Message from the Abbot:
Glory to God, Holy Trinity Monastery is sponsoring the arrival to the East Coast of the United States from Moscow, Russia the “ Myrr-Bearing Icon of the Softening of Evil Hearts” of the Mother of God. The Icon is scheduled to arrive in NYC on the 17th of March, 2012.

The icon shall have as it’s residence  Holy Trinity Monastery, Jordanville and remain here in the States until approx. the 17th of April. (The week after Pascha). Should any parish or rector wish to have the Icon visit his church during that period arrangements can be made by  contacting Protodeacon Victor Lochmatow by email, .
Archimandrite Luke, Abbot

Children's Nativity Concert - Jan. 8 2012 - 12/30/11

When: January 2008, 2012
Where: In the Seminary Hall after trapeza

Kurk Root Icon in Jordanville - schedule of Services for Dec 21 - Dec 22 - 12/20/11

On Wednesday December 21 there will be a moleben and Akathist in Slavonic in the main cathedral after compline around 8pm.

On Thursday, December 22 there will be a moleben and Akathist in English in the main cathedral at 6pm.

Reception for Holy Trinity Monastery listed on the National Register as a Historic Site - Saturday December 3 2011 - 11/28/11

Dear Friends

The monastery will be holding a small reception to celebrate the
listing of the monastery on the National Register as a historic site.
Friends and neighbors are welcome.  Reception will be held Saturday
December 3rd, 2011 in the Seminary Hall, 1:30 - 3:30 PM.

Autumn Pastoral Conference at Holy Trinity Monastery Oct. 18 -20 - 09/20/11

Please click here for more information

Labor Day Weekend September 3 -5 - 08/24/11

Everyone is invited to spend the last civil holiday of the summer at Holy Trinity Monastery for  a spiritual retreat.

For a schedule please check calendar.

Please inform us if a group of more than ten people is coming from a parish.

Wednesday August 31 - Hierarchical Liturgy - 08/24/11

On the feast day of Sts Florus and Laurus Metropolitan Hilarion will serve a Hierarchical Liturgy at 6am followed by a litia for Metropolitan Laurus.

Kursk Icon at Holy Trinity Monastery - 08/18/11

The Kursk Icon will be at the monastery from Sunday August 21 and will remain here for three weeks.

On Sunday, August 21 the icon will be met at the Cathedral at 7:30 PM  where compline will be served followed by a moleben.

Further services, in English and Slavonic will be announced in time

His Beatitude Archbishop Christopher of Prague, Metropolitan of the Czech Lands and Slovakia visit to Jordanviller - 02/26/11

11:30 Greeting in main Cathedral
12:30 Lunch
1:00  Talk in auditorium followed by Litia at Metropolitan Laurus' grave.

Kursk Icon Visiting Monastery January 27 - 01/19/11

The Kursk icon will be at the Monastery briefly on January 27 at 12:30PM. A moleben will be served in the main cathedral

Holy Trinity Publications - New Books - 12/15/10

2011 Troitskii Kalendar

This is the monastery’s annual Russian-language liturgical calendar. It includes a list of commemorated saints and Scripture readings for each day of the year, as well as detailed order of services for Sundays, Great and Minor Feasts, and many Saints: in other words, any service which the typical Russian parish is likely to hold.


Essential for all clergy, choir directors and all those interested in liturgical rubrics.

 * Paperback * 6” x 9” * 281 pages * Index of Saints Days

 * ISBN: 9780884651864 * $20.00 * Shipping Now!

To order:

For personal use click

Or if you want to purchase for resale:

e-mail Or fax 315 - 858 - 0505 



The Icon of the Nevskaya Mother of God "Quick to Hear"

by Archpriest Gennady Belovolov Translated by Sergio Silva


This small but expansive work is a window into churchly culture as the reader is drawn into the journey of the Mt. Athos Icon of the Mother of God “Quick to Hear” to Russia in 1877. Through God’s grace a new and distinct icon emerged, now recognized as the Nevskaya Icon of the Mother of God “Quick to Hear.” 


Many miracles associated with this new icon are recounted and we see the involvement of some of the New Martyrs and Confessors of the Orthodox Church in Russia promoting its veneration; in particular that of St. Elizabeth the New Martyr. This icon has already been a source of solace and consolation to many and through reading this book others will also most surely be drawn more deeply to venerate the Most Holy Mother of God.

 * Paperback * 5” x 7” * 96 pages * 35 Black & White Photos

 * ISBN: 9780884651857 * $10.95


To order: 

For personal use click

Or if you want to purchase for resale:

e-mail Or fax 315 - 858 - 0505 


St. Herman's Conference Decemeber 24 -28 - 12/02/10

Please visit the website for the St. Herman's Conference to be hosted at Holy Trinity Monastery

Cook for Monastery - 11/18/10

Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, NY,  is looking for a full time male  cook (Monday - Saturday)  who is of the Orthodox Faith, and is willing to work for room and board and a small monthly stipend. They need to be sensitive to living in a monastic environment. For more information contact or call Fr Cyprian on 315 717 9237.

VIsit of the "Iveron - Hawaii" Myrrhstreaming Icon of the Mother of God - 10/27/10

The "Iveron - Hawaii" Myrrhstreaming Icon of the Mother of God will visit Holy Trinity Monastery from Saturday October 30 2010 to Sunday October 31, 2010.

At 3:00 PM there will be a pannykhida held for Br. Joseph in the cemetery headed by Metropolitan Hilarion.

The icon will be met in the main cathedral at 6:30PM and will be in church for Vigil and also the following day for liturgy.

His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion will be present for Vigil and Divine Liturgy.

At 2:30 PM  on Sunday October 31 a video will be shown in the seminary hall in Russian about the life of the murdered  Priest Daniel Sysoyev. His Matushka, Yulia Sysoyeva will be present and can comment and  answer questions about the life of her husband. All are welcome.

Byzantine Mosaic for Sale - 09/18/10

This beautifuly crafted  mosaic measures 22.5 inches x 14 inches and is made up with 24 carat gold, marble rocks and enamel.

Cost $2900

To order contact the icon mounting studio:

Pannykhida and Burial for the Late Elizabeth Olhovsky - 09/12/10

Monday, September 13

Pannikhida at the gravesite in Holy Trinity Monastery Cemetery in Jordanville, NY, at 1 pm, followed by the burial. Memorial trapeza in Holy Trinity Seminary Hall.  

Labor Day Weekend September 4 - 6 - 08/15/10

His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion, His Grace Bishop Gabriel of Montreal and Canada,  and  His Grace Bishop George will serve at the Monastery on Labor Day weekend.

Saturday September 4

3PM  Procession to cemetery. Moleben and Akasthist to St Job in main cathedral followed by the Rule for Holy Communion

7PM Vigil

Sunday September 5

6 AM   Early Liturgy
9AM  Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
6PM Vespers
7PM Supper
7:30 Compline

Monday September 6

5 AM Midnight Office and Matins
8:30 AM  Divine Liturgy

An Introduction to the Dogmas and Methods of Ecumenism - 07/18/10

Three Part Series " An Introduction to the Dogmas and Methods of Ecumenisim" by Fr Peter Heers

Talk on the Jesus Prayer by Fr Artemy Vladimirov - 05/13/10

Talk on the Jesus Prayer by Fr. Artemy Vladimirov -


Annual Youth Retreat - 05/12/10


Trips - Group Trip

Start Time:

Friday, May 21, 2010 at 7:00pm

End Time:

Monday, May 24, 2010 at 1:00pm


Holy Trinity Monastery


Jordanville, NY




With the blessing of Archimandrite Luke, Holy Trinity Monastery invites you to participate in its second annual Youth Retreat. This year, we've decided to bring back an old Jordanville tradition - a youth pilgrimage for Pentecost. Along with joining in the Divine Services, participants will also help prepare the monastery for the Great Feast by working together on a number of team projects. (please see the full schedule below)


Like last year, the retreat is designed for college and post-college youth (no younger than 18). We hope that those who attend the retreat will generate new friendships, strengthen old ones, and enjoy a spiritually edifying weekend at the monastery!


Please note that participants are responsible for their own lodging. We recommend staying at the Monastery Guesthouse, located within short walking distance. However, rooms are sure to fill up quickly, so make your reservation ASAP. The guesthouse can be reached at (315) 858 0131 or For men, camping on monastery grounds is also an option. While there is no registration fee, we encourage participants to make a $35 donation to the monastery to cover the cost of food.


If you plan to attend, please RSVP to It is NOT ENOUGH to hit the attending button. You can also email us any questions you might have.


We hope you'll join us for this special weekend!




7:00 pm - Akathist to St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco (Sts. John of Rila and Kronstadt Chapel)


8:00 pm - Bonfire and dinner; song books and the best lenten burgers we can find will be provided (adjacent to the chapel)




6:00 am - Divine Liturgy for Soul Saturday (Dormition Church @ the cemetery)


7:30 am - Breakfast (Monastery Refectory and summer kitchen)


8:00 am - Welcome and Orientation (Seminary Hall)


9:30 am - Work events. Teams will include: Landscaping at the Metropolitan Laurus Memorial Skete and around the Cathedral; Preparing the Pilgrims' tables for sunday's feast; repairing the boat dock on the monastery's lakes; and voluntary food preparation in the monastery kitchen.


12:00 pm - Lunch


1:00 pm - Group hike to the Cross


4:00 pm - Preparation for Holy Communion (in Church Slavonic @ Holy Trinity Cathedral; in Slavonic and English @ Dormition Church)


6:00 pm - dinner


7:00 pm - All-Night Vigil (Holy Trinity Cathedral)




6:00 am - Early Liturgy (St. Job of Pochaev Church)


9:30 am - Divine Liturgy and Vespers celebrated by Bishop George of Mayfield (Holy Trinity Cathedral)

* Metropolitan Hilarion will preside over services on Monday, May 24th - The Day of the Holy Spirit.


12:30 pm - Lunch and Bazaar (Monastery Refectory and Pilgrims' Eating Area)


2:00 pm - Archimandrite Luke's Reception (Metropolitan Laurus Memorial Skete)

St. John of Kronstadt Memorial Fund - 05/01/10

St. John of Kronstadt Memorial Fund - English
St. John of Kronstadt Memorial Fund - Russian

Holy Trinity Seminary Journal "Troitskoe Nasledie" - 04/23/10

The first issue of the Holy Trinity Seminary Journal "Troitskoe Nasledie" has recently appeared. It is a quarterly edition in full-color with volume of 80 pages. This journal is in Russian.For more information in Russian, please visit

Talk by A. Zakharin - Tuesday, March 16, 7:30 pm - 03/15/10

Tuesday, March 16, 7:30 pm

Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary is hosting a a presentation on “Questions of the Authenticity regarding the Remains of last Romanovs”
by A. Zakharin
The meeting is open to the public

Meeting of Archpriest Artemii Vladimirov to Holy Trinity Monastery on Wednesday has been canceled. - 02/20/10

The meeting with the Very Rev. Artemii Vladimirov on Wednesday has been canceled due to changes in his schedule.

Below are some links to interviews and homilies of Fr Artemy

Liturgical Calendar 2010 Typicon (January 29 - February 8 Old Style ) - 02/08/10

To download the simple calendar click here
To download the typicon click here

A Confession of Faith Against Ecumenism - 12/30/09

A Confession of Faith Against Ecumenism

Kursk Icon Visiting Holy Trinity Monastery January 24 2009 - 12/19/09

7:30 PM: Moleben with Akathist to the Kursk Root Icon at  Holy Trinity Monastery followed by a montage presentation of the visit of the icon to Russia in the Seminary Hall.

Website of the Eastern American and New York Diocese - 10/28/09

Visit of the Myrrhstreaming Icon "Softening of Evil Hearts" to Holy Trinity Monastery - 08/29/09

With the blessing of His Holiness, Patriarch Kirill and His Eminence, Metropolitan Hilarion, and by invitation of the abbot of Holy Trinity Monastery, the Very Reverend Archimandrite Luke, the Myrrhstreaming Icon of the Theotokos, “Softening of Evil Hearts” God-willing shall reside in Jordanville on the weekend of the 27th Of September. From the 12th of September, visits with the faithful in and around New York City, as well as New England are being planned. After Tuesday, the 28th of September, visits to Upstate New York, Pa. and Washington, DC are scheduled.

The Icon leaves for California on the 5th of October and returns to Russia on the 12th of October.

“All who come with prayer to the “Softening of Evil Hearts”” icon will feel a softening of the heart said the Rector of Bogolubskaya cathedral, Father Victor in the city of Pushkin, outside of Moscow. “Sufferings of the soul and body are made well. If you pray for your enemies before it, their hostile thoughts will depart, leaving in their place a more generous feeling of mercy. Parishioners have witnessed not only cures of evil and envy, but the icon performs miracles for the health of our body as well.  Holy Myrrh flows from the icon in liters.

For more information, call Holy Trinity Monastery (315) 858 0940 or e-mail Protodeacon Victor at

Archimandrite Luke, Abbot

Pannykhida for Metropolitan Laurus - 08/26/09

On the feast day of Saints Flor and Laurus on Monday August 31, 12:30 PM there will be a pannykhida served for Metropolitan Laurus at Holy Trinity Monastery.  Metropolitan Hilarion, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia and Bishop John of Caracas will serve the Pannykhida.

Feast of our Holy Father Among the Saints, Saint Job of Pochaev - 08/14/09

AN   I N V I T A T I O N
Dear in Our Lord !

Drawing near is the bright and festive feast of our Holy Father among the saints, Saint Job of Pochaev.
Per tradition at Holy Trinity Monastery, home to the brotherhood of Saint Job of Pochaev, on the eve of the Federal Holiday, “Labor Day”, we shall once again celebrate the memory of our Patron Saint.

We cordially invite you to take part in this Feast Day.  It was our late and evermemorable abbot, Archbishop Averky who is quoted  saying, "It behooves us to protect our Holy Trinity Monastery as a small corner of Holy Russia."

Let us pray together, that our Lord provide us with strength in our service to Him.  May He protect our monastery, in order that it remain a vessel for our salvation.

With love in Christ,

Archimandrite Luke and Brotherhood


Schedule of Services

Saturday September  5

2pm - the meeting of the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God at the Monastery Cemetery followed by a moleben and Akathist to St Job of Pochaev in the main cathedral church of the Monastery.

7pm - All Night Vigil with Litia and blessing of Loaves

Sunday, September 6

6am - Early Liturgy at the lower church of St. Job of Pochaev

9 am - Meeting of Bishop and Divine Hierarchical Liturgy in the upper church.

After the liturgy there will be a moleben to St. Job of Pochaev and a procession around the Church.

All present are invited to join us for the festive meal in the monastery refectory.


Myrrh Streaming Iveron Icon of the Mother Of God - 08/13/09

The Myrrh Streaming Iveron Icon of the Mother of God from Hawaii will be present at Holy Trinity Monastery for the Feast of Transfiguration ( August 18 -Vigil and August 19 for the Divine Liturgy).

On Wednesday after Compline there will be a moleben and Akathist served infront of the Iveron icon of the Mother of God.

Click here to see more information  about the icon

New Book on the Kursk Root Icon - 01/14/09

The Kursk-Root Icon: A Miracle in Our Times

Seven hundred years ago, a hunter in Russia discovered an Icon of the Theotokos of the Sign entangled in the roots of a tree. This Icon came to be known as the Kursk-Root Icon, becoming one of the most beloved, venerated, and treasured miraculous icons in all of Holy Russia.

Many miracles have been attributed to this Icon. During the Second World War, houses that were visited by this Icon were miraculously spared from bombs dropped during air raids. This Icon has been venerated by millions of Orthodox Christians all over the world. It can safely be said that it is one of the most travelled and venerated icons in the entire Orthodox world.

This book contains the story of the wonderworking Icon, accounts of its past and recent miracles, narratives of celebrations and pilgrimages in its honour, and a number of articles concerning the Orthodox Church’s teaching regarding the veneration of the Most Holy Theotokos and of the holy icons. Also included are two colour lift-outs of the Kursk-Root Icon suitable for framing, as well as the Akathist Hymn.

This 224-page book is beautifully illustrated with an abundance of full-coloured pictures and icons.

New Residence of Bishop George - 12/16/08

The Holy Venerable Father Nilus of Sorsk as a Teacher - 11/17/08

On Tuesday November 18, 2008 at 8PM, there will be a lecture by Gelian M. Prokhorov  (a member of the Russian academy of Science) on the Holy Venerable Father Nilus of Sorsk as a Teacher. The lecture will be in Russian in the Seminary Hall. Everyone is welcome.

Consecration to the Episcopate of Archimandrite George (Schaefer)

Consecration to the Episcopate of Archimandrite George (Schaefer)

On December 7, 2008, Archimandrite George (Schaefer) will be consecrated to the episcopate (with the title,  Bishop of Mayfield)  at Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, NY. Below is the schedule of services for the eve and day of the consecration:

Saturday, December 6

4:00 PM                Communion rule

6:00PM                 Supper

6:30PM                 Nomination of new bishop

7:00PM                 All night vigil

Sunday, December 7

8:30 AM               Meeting of the First Hierarch

  Confession of Faith

   Divine Liturgy

   Conferment of the staff

Meal in the Seminary Hall


1)      If parishes are intending to come with a bus please inform Hieromonk Cyprian with an estimated number of people and whether you will be arriving on the eve of the consecration or just on Sunday so that meal arrangements can be made. E-mail: 


2)      Due to limited guest house and monastery guest rooms, arrangements need to be made with the monastery guesthouse(or local accommodations) and monastery as soon as possible.


Museum of Russian Icons - 10/01/08

Labor Day Weekend Aug 30- Sept 1 - 08/27/08

See calendar for a schedule of services

Lydia Mansur reposed in the Lord - 08/02/08

Lydia Mansur, the mother of Mary and Katherine Mansur (responsible for Orthodox America and the St. Nicodemus publications), reposed in the Lord on Friday, August 1, 2008. She will be fondly remembered for her piety. The funeral will be held at Holy Trinity Monastery after lunch on Monday, August 4.

ROCOR Parish Websites -Request - 07/17/08

We are collecting  the websites of ROCOR parishes to include in our links section. Please help us by sending us your parish website link along with the Diocese to which the parish belongs. Please send your parish link to 

E-mail Accounts - 07/17/08

All e-mail accounts are active again. If you experience any difficulties please e-mail us at

E-mail addresses for Holy Trinity Monastery - 06/28/08

We experienced some technical difficulties in the setup of our new e-mails. E-mail contact setup for is now complete. Please resend any e-mails that were sent between June 27 - June 28. We apologise for any inconvenience this might have caused.

Issues of Orthodox Life Online - 06/28/08

In the near future we will begin uploading all our English Orthodox Life issues online. We ask for your prayers and patience while we prepare for this task.

School of Liturgical Music - 06/27/08

The School of Liturgical Music will be held at Holy Trinity Seminary between July 15-28, 2018. For more information see website.

Services for June 28 - June 29 2008 - 06/26/08

Due  to work in the main cathedral of Holy Trinity Monastery, services for Saturday and Sunday will be held in the lower church of St. Job of Pochaev.

Book of Akathists - Vol 2 Released - 06/25/08

Holy Trinity Monastery is pleased to announced the publication of Volume II of the Book of Akathists in English. The cost is $40. Please see Bookstore for ordering information.

Icon Studio Website Forthcoming - 06/20/08

The Monastery's Icon Mounting Studio will be launching its new website in the next couple of weeks. Please check back soon.

Protopriest John Shaw

On Friday, December 5, 2008, after compline at Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, NY, His Grace Bishop John of Caracas, with the blessing of the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, will perform the monastic tonsure of Protopriest John Shaw. In May, Fr John was selected as the next Bishop of Manhattan. The episcopal consecration of Fr John will take place on December 10, the feast day of the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Sign in New York. 


Holy Trinity Monastery
1407 Robinson Rd.
PO Box 36
Jordanville, NY 13361
Telephone: (315) 858-0940
FAX: (315) 858-0505

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