Bright Monday
Bright Monday
April 29th, 2019

On Pascha day, at 3PM, the joyful Paschal service of Vespers was served.  This is already vespers for Bright Monday. A distinguishing feature of this service is the reading of the Gospel by the bishop, towards the people, while the priests are gathered below the amvon, with deacons supporting the Gospel.

At the end of the service, Vladyka greeted all those present one by one as they came up to the Cross.  In the evening, Matins was served. From there on every evening, Vespers and Matins are served later in the day so that all who are able to, can attend.

Many pilgrims who had arrived to the monastery for the feast, were still in attendance for Bright Monday.  At the end of the liturgy, a Paschal moleben was served as the faithful processed around the church three times, the third time, stopping at all four sides for a Gospel reading and petitions.  

At the end of the moleben, there was a procession to the refectory with the Artos and the Prosphoron of the Theotokos for the service of the Panagia, or the Most Holy One, i.e. the Theotokos.  At then end of the meal, as part of this service, the Panagia was divided up into small pieces and was passed out to the faithful.

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Bright Monday - 04/29/19

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